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It could only happen here

(11 Posts)
newist Mon 15-Jun-15 12:10:04

Put my head out the door to find Belgium soldiers all round my house, they are on maneuvers. One shouted "do you surrender?" "Not without a fight" says I . they took a photo of me, to take home, no makeup blush

newist Mon 15-Jun-15 12:11:31

And again

posie Mon 15-Jun-15 12:32:35

shock Are you used to having manoeuvres then? I think I'd be a bit concerned if I looked out my door & saw soldiers like that!

newist Mon 15-Jun-15 13:04:26

Not walking in front of the house with guns posie

jinglbellsfrocks Mon 15-Jun-15 14:01:55

Oh! the opriginal post is so funny Newist. grin

NanaDenise Mon 15-Jun-15 14:15:43

Not soldiers, but any number of Duke of Edinburgh walkers - lost! No guns, but OS maps. We are thinking of putting a sign on the gate - 'You are here' grin

rosesarered Mon 15-Jun-15 14:43:07

Newist, my question is, why Belgian soldiers?Don't they have a bit of land suitable for manoevres in Belgium?

newist Mon 15-Jun-15 14:53:50

roses not sure why, we have an army base here, every summer people (army types) come to train. It was just so funny standing talking to 2 fully armed gorgeous soldiers on my doorstep

ninathenana Mon 15-Jun-15 15:06:37

As if your view wasn't lovely enough newist grin greedy girl !

rosesarered Mon 15-Jun-15 20:07:25

Perhaps the army invites others to come and train there, then.The least you could do was warm them a bit of haggis up, and a cuppa!

newist Mon 15-Jun-15 20:56:05

I did say to one of them, I would make you a cup of tea, but there's to many of you, (about 50) he said no thanks, we are going to set up camp soon grin