Strawberry yogurt panna cotta recipe

Strawberry yogurt panna cotta recipe from Vicky11

egg free gluten free nut free can make in advance vegetarian low fat
Category Dessert recipes
Prep time2 hours
Cook time10 mins

gransnetter ratings

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Ease of cookingn/a
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100ml milk
½ tsp rose water
200g yoghurt
1 tsp gelatine powder (or 1 gelatine leaf)
3 tbsp sugar
10 strawberries
1 tbsp honey


1. Heat the milk. Dissolve the gelatine in the milk. Leave to cool slightly.
3. Place the rose water and strawberries in a liquidiser and pulsate for 5 seconds. Set aside.
4. In a large bowl, whisk the yoghurt, sweetener and dissolved gelatine till smooth. Add in the liquidised strawberries. Mix well. Line 4 rings with cling film. Divide the mixture into 4 rings Leave to set in the fridge for 2 hours.
6. To serve, remove the panna cotta from the ring. Peel away the cling film. Decorate with strawberry slices on the side. Dust with icing sugar.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Vicky11 on Tue 03-Dec-13 21:35:21 Overall rating: 0.0
A woderful light dessert