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I could kick myself!

(57 Posts)
rubylady Sun 10-Aug-14 00:17:03

I met a man today, a lovely Scot, a wee bit older and quite attractive. We met at the checkout, talked about his meal for one and bottle of gin and tonic and Scotland. All very nice. He said I could pay for his groceries (joking), I said only if I could share the gin. He said that would be fine. He packed his stuff and I wished him a great evening and he did same and he left. Why didn't I give him my number and suggest having a drink together sometime? Would this have been too forward? Is it right for women to give men their number?

I'm a little old fashioned and a bit b****y slow sometimes. I got home and since I could kick myself that I didn't act. At worse he could have said no. Is he at home with his gin thinking the same, I wonder.

I'm not desperate for a relationship, it would have to be right next time after a violent ex husband, but I have been on my own now for eight years and the time feels right now to be with someone. I'm never going to see this man again now so my chance to get to know him has gone.

I've only just turned 50 and I don't want to be on my own for the rest of my life. I keep going over the time when I was with my ex boyfriend. I thought it was him I was missing and now I think it's the things we did together that's missing and I'm ready to do them with someone new.

Would any of you ladies give your number to someone if you thought you may never get that chance again?

And guys, would you think it forward if a woman gave you her number?


Soutra Fri 15-Aug-14 10:23:22

I have often found that one of the liberating aspects of getting older is that you can chat to total strangers often at length wirhout looking as if or indeed feeling that they, are "on the pull". Perhaps too much is being made of this chat in the supermarket queue-not exactly Brief Encounter, just one of those pleasant interludes which helps make the world a nicer place. Give out cards with your phone number? Now that does look desperate shock

rubylady Sat 16-Aug-14 04:15:27

Well then I'll have to look desperate. grin

The alternative is buying a habit and taking a vow of celibacy, and at only 50 years old, I am not willing to give up on life just yet!

Men beware!!! Here I

Soutra Sat 16-Aug-14 09:47:53

Well if you have been single throughout most of your forties what have you been waiting for? Surely you can do better than an "older" man in the check out queue with his bottle of gin ? confused

Soutra Sat 16-Aug-14 10:28:29

On second thoughts it could make a plot line for a "granny chick lit" like that Walk in the Park book we had a while sgo - a bit formulaic but I suppose there's a market for it?

Atqui Sat 16-Aug-14 10:34:13

Ruby Hope you will let us know if you DO meet him again!!!

rubylady Sun 17-Aug-14 01:45:47

.Atqui I will let you know if I meet him or any other lovely man who sweeps me off my feet. It is worth waiting for.

"You block your dreams when you allow your fear to become bigger than your faith"