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Cynthia Lennon has died

(71 Posts)
KatyK Wed 01-Apr-15 16:55:44

Part of many of our teenage years I imagine

J52 Sat 04-Apr-15 18:58:22

Sorry 'Beatles' of course! x

Falconbird Sat 04-Apr-15 22:15:40

What was Jane Asher thinking when she rejected Paul. Is it true? or was it just a story at the time?

Another favourite is Hey Jude which I think Paul wrote for Julian Lennon when he was a little boy.

The first Beatles number I ever heard was on a friend's tranistor radio, It was in the early 60s. The friend handed me the radio and said "listen to this." We looked at each other and knew that this was going to be BIG. sunshine

merlotgran Sat 04-Apr-15 22:33:47

I think Jane Asher caught Paul sleeping around and that was that. Good for her!!

I don't really have a favourite Beatles song but the ones that bring back special memories are, And I Love Her, Day In The Life, She's Leaving Home and All You Need Is Love.

Lennon and McCartney were such prolific writers.

KatyK Sun 05-Apr-15 12:06:12

According to a newspaper today, the real love of John Lennon's life was Alma Cogan confused It must be true because it's The Mail On Sunday grin

MiniMouse Sun 05-Apr-15 14:40:39

I wonder if JL was originally enthralled by YO and then in thrall to her? (Apologies for pinching from a previous thread about the difference!)

NotTooOld Sun 05-Apr-15 15:36:39

MiniMouse grin

KatyK - yes, if the DM says so, it def must be true! In fact, I'm sure it is mentioned in the Beatles Anthology. It's a weird thought, isn't it? Was she much older than him, do you know?

Lona Sun 05-Apr-15 15:42:54

I think it said she was 8 years older NTO

Ana Sun 05-Apr-15 15:54:20

Alma Cogan was? confused

Ana Sun 05-Apr-15 15:58:06

Oh yes, so she was. Yoko was seven years older than him and Cynthia was one year older. He obviously preferred older women!

NotTooOld Sun 05-Apr-15 15:58:08

Ana! where have you been? smile
Alma was a very popular singer in the 1950s. She had dark hair and a curvy figure and generally wore a bouffant skirt on stage. She sang songs like 'You Can't do a Tango with an Eskimo' - you get the picture. In other words, not a lady you would think had much in common with John Lennon. Mind you, he did contribute to 'Yellow Submarine', I suppose!

NotTooOld Sun 05-Apr-15 15:58:51

Sorry, Ana. I thought you were asking who Alma cogan was! Apologies.

mrsmopp Mon 06-Apr-15 00:21:49

I know John Lennon was hugely popular, but don't be fooled, as he was not a nice man at all and he did have a cruel streak about him. He took very little interest in Julian, who adored him. Also the way he brought Yoko into the family home was very cruel to Cynthia. He broke her heart and I don't think she ever stopped loving him.

merlotgran Mon 06-Apr-15 00:32:42

John Lennon thought Alma Cogan was a re-incarnation of his mother, Julia. hmm

Ana Mon 06-Apr-15 10:22:33

Which is daft, as Alma was born in 1932 and his mother died in 1958...confused

TerriBull Mon 06-Apr-15 13:04:46

In 1966 when I was a 12 year old teenybopper, a couple of friends and I took the train to Weybridge, a few miles away, and went in search of John Lennon's house in the famed "St George's Hill Estate", a very nobby area indeed. We did find it, it was famed for a large Chelsea boot in the front garden, we were able to walk right up to the front door and knock, but sadly he wasn't at home sad. I believe that very house was on Right Move recently for around 14 million. I don't think Cynthia got it in her divorce settlement.

specki4eyes Mon 06-Apr-15 22:06:24

i think what was so annoying about Linda was that she wasn't a rock chick so she always looked so bored and out of place singing in Paul's band. She gave off an air of "I dont really want to do this but I have to be a supportive wife".
i saw Patti Boyd being interviewed recently - she's still 'dining out' on her rock connections. Did she ever do anything herself except marry famous guitarists? But yes, I can remember seething with jealousy over her back in 1965!
Paul is a good honest man but I wish he would stop dyeing his hair!

NotTooOld Mon 06-Apr-15 23:06:30

I think the trouble with Linda was that she was American! I like her veggie products though. I don't see why she had to be in the band, it was ridiculous. She wasn't even a musician, was she? Most wives don't go to work with their husbands.

Wasn't Patti Boyd a model? And Specki, how do you know PM is 'a good honest man'? He might be but then again he might not. I agree with you about the hair, though. He should 'let it be'!! grin

Falconbird Tue 07-Apr-15 07:07:05

I think Paul and John were both deeply affected by the early deaths of their mothers. Very sad but maybe it helped make them the wonderful musicians they were. Yes Paul should stop dying his hair and become a silver fox.

Tegan Tue 07-Apr-15 15:56:09

Who was it who said on the telly recently, seeing a picture with Tom Jones and Paul McCartney in that it was like a before and after advert for Just For Men smile. Most books that have come out over the years have praised Paul for being a nice bloke; the most recent one probably being by that girl who was their secretary [annoyingly I missed the tv programme about her].

Teetime Tue 07-Apr-15 16:37:06

My SIL grew up having PMcC coming through her house on a regular basis as he was friends with her elder brother. She said he was always very full of himself and has very few good words for CB!!