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An essay on why it is wrong for the Commons to vote on going to war

(5 Posts)
Prentice Sat 17-Sep-22 18:37:32

This thread is 8 years old.

M0nica Sat 17-Sep-22 16:46:41

War is always wrong, but often the alternative is worse.

MichaelBalter Fri 16-Sep-22 17:12:27

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MiceElf Tue 14-Oct-14 08:01:19

Hmm. I don't trust the executive, by this chap's own admission he doesn't know much about the issues, most particularly the ultimate purpose and long term strategy, and the population as a whole is ill informed for a huge variety of reasons. So, as far as I'm concerned, unless and until we, as a nation, are in full possession of a great deal more information than at present then no war should be entered into.

thatbags Tue 14-Oct-14 07:51:41

An essay on why it is wrong for the commons to vote on going to war by James Gray MP. It seems to me to be a well argued essay. What do other gransnetters think?