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Christmas trees

(32 Posts)
Galen Mon 22-Dec-14 13:58:53

Let's all put pictures of our Christmas trees up!
Here's mine decorated by the great Gary (as I can't stand to do it)

janerowena Tue 23-Dec-14 23:16:33

What a beautiful thread!

grannyactivist Wed 24-Dec-14 00:07:21

This is my Christmas tree: cheap gold and red baubles plus an assortment of tin, glass and wooden decorations from Norway and Italy, some straw ones from Germany and a wooden one from a slum village in Africa. Each of the wood, glass and tin ones holds a memory of where and when they were bought/received. The African one was a gift from a close friend just today and I bought the Italian glass one a few years ago from a little village called Bellagio on Lake Como.

shysal Wed 24-Dec-14 06:39:55

I love the glass ornament, GA. It would have been broken in my house! When DDs were small all our decorations had special memories. I can't have a full-sized tree these days because my Bengal cat would be up it in a shot!

kittylester Wed 24-Dec-14 09:36:07

I had lots of glass icicles ........until DGD came to stay. I have two fewer and also one fewer glass bell! tchsad

kittylester Wed 24-Dec-14 09:56:44


Grannybug Wed 24-Dec-14 10:09:08

Our tree