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Rural retirement - Campaign of the Week

Over The Hill? logoThinking about moving to the country? Cottages with roses round the door are all very lovely but upping and moving can involve a whole lot of changes. Luckily, the Rural Media Company has made a series of films to help you think them through beforehand.

If you're already in your dream country cottage, the films also suggest solutions to the drawbacks people can sometimes face in rural areas - showing how other places have overcome lack of transport, or far-flung GP surgeries and Post Offices, or poor broadband connection. (Just don't move somewhere with poor broadband, would be our advice.)

The films come in a resource pack called Over the hill? (as if!) which includes eight films showing great rural services - good for putting in front of your local councillors - and a short drama about rural retirement.  

 A pack is available free by post to gransnetters and can also be found at www.overthehillcampaign.org.uk.
Over the hill? is a Rural Media Company campaign and is funded by the Nationwide Foundation.  Partners are ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Age UK.
For further information, contact the Project Coordinator, Jan Bailey, 01432 344039 or [email protected].

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