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Meals on Wheels

(9 Posts)
Mishap Thu 27-Nov-14 10:03:22


tanith Thu 27-Nov-14 11:09:54

oh my but that looks very precarious and dangerous to me.. sorry but he ahhhh factor is out weighed by the 'oops' factor..

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 27-Nov-14 11:13:01

That is truly weird.

And flip-flops are not suitable footwear for cycling.

Silly woman. hmm

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 27-Nov-14 11:13:56

And how old is that kid?!

Teetime Thu 27-Nov-14 11:18:02

As DH always says ' you don't get many of them to the pound'.

Nelliemoser Thu 27-Nov-14 11:38:11

That is dangerous. Flip flops should never be used on a bike. I had a badly bruised toe from doing that, fortunately not on a road. You could lose a hell of a lot of skin if you fell and skidded across a road surface. She is putting the child at risk.

The stupid bloody woman does not have a helmet on herself silly cow! It sets an appalling example for the children and you see it everywhere.
If she falls off and bangs her head badly the poor child could be sitting about with an unconscious mother.

I think cyclists should be fined for riding bikes without a helmet when with their children. It's like not strapping them into a car seat.

What happens when she goes over a bump? The child could bite her nipple off.

Riverwalk Thu 27-Nov-14 11:57:23

More Arrrgh than Aaah!

I hope that pic is Photoshopped - child also seems to be sitting on the cross bar.

sunseeker Thu 27-Nov-14 12:08:31

I agree with others - this looks incredibly dangerous, as Riverwalk says, I hope it is photoshopped

MiniMouse Thu 27-Nov-14 14:00:53

Also hope she doesn't go over any big bumps - ouuuuch! wink