Gransnet forums

AIBU create a (new) little quiet corner?

(284 Posts)
supernana Mon 28-Nov-11 13:02:23

Good to be here...among so many delightful friends. smile

GoldenGran Mon 28-Nov-11 12:58:47

Oh is that the "Boiling Brooney" I see there, it looks scrummy, I'll leave a slice of two for the rest of you.grin

Notsogrand Mon 28-Nov-11 12:48:41

The new corner looks great GA! Especially the tea and cake table. smile

glammanana Mon 28-Nov-11 12:44:35

I've been repairing decorations from yesteryear and need time to sit and relax with some friends and brew&cupcake for a little while.

GoldenGran Mon 28-Nov-11 12:31:30

Hope I can join in the hiding in this corner, a little haven of peace.Time to be on your own,and not be doing all the time is important, enjoy it Annika.brew

Butternut Mon 28-Nov-11 12:04:56

I'd like to 'ditto' ga's sentiments, Annika. Hope hiding here helps.

grannyactivist Mon 28-Nov-11 11:55:03

Annika, hope your day improves, but in the meantime this is a good place to hide and carve out a bit of space for yourself. brew cupcake

Annika Mon 28-Nov-11 11:50:34

Could do with a quiet little corner as I feel I am being pulled every which way at the moment familes love em to bits but I would like a little "me " time so can I hide here for a while. sad

grannyactivist Mon 28-Nov-11 11:45:47

brew cupcake always available.