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(37 Posts)
whenim64 Thu 29-Aug-13 22:35:11

YES!! MPs have rejected the government's strategy on Syria. No intervention, even after the weapons inspection.

Ariadne Thu 29-Aug-13 11:41:23

Blair, Cameron, all of them cannot be trusted and have proved it time and again. They are self serving, blinkered, and only pay lip service to listening to the voters.
Remember that poem I posted ages ago? "The silent people" by GK Chesterton.

"Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;
For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet."

The implication is that one day.....

Nonu Thu 29-Aug-13 10:37:18

I agree Henetha .


henetha Thu 29-Aug-13 10:24:56

Well, I wasn't really comparing the present government to that of
Tony Blair ! smile. But I think governments of all colours tend to ignore the wishes of those who elect them.
Whatever, I fervently hope we do not get involved in Syria. Any interference would only escalate, in my humble opinion.

Galen Wed 28-Aug-13 21:49:44


Gagagran Wed 28-Aug-13 21:48:42

Me too Galen. Who appointed us as the world's police force? We seem to have learned nothing from Iraq and Afghanistan. Where is the Arab League when they are needed?

Galen Wed 28-Aug-13 20:50:46

I agree! Stay out!

Nonu Wed 28-Aug-13 20:32:18

Henetha you cannot be serious ! comparing the odious self serving blair to the present government !


felice Wed 28-Aug-13 19:39:27

Thanks both of you, it is a pity the so-called democratic elected Government tends to ignore the voice of the people, but I suppose you could say that you get the Government you vote for. I have Syrian friends, and they sent me a photograph of a Church service being held on the roof of the Cathederal in Damascus last Sunday, I also have Moslem friends there who sent other photographs of them trying to go to friday prayers. it is a civil war, sadly, and we must stay out of it. i just wish there was a way to help the ordinary people middle of it.

henetha Wed 28-Aug-13 18:07:21

Completely agree, felice. We should keep our noses out. How many more of our young military will be killed it we get involved in yet another conflict?
And why do we behave as if we are the police force of the world?
But Tony Blair took no notice of our, - the people's - wishes, and I doubt if this government will either.
How is it that when we, the people, elect a government they then go ahead and utterly ignore the wishes of the majority? Makes my blood boil!

But I am desperately sorry for the ordinary people in Syria. However, it should be up to the United Nations to intervene, not us. But the U.N. seems to be a toothless tiger and needs a complete overhaul.

thatbags Wed 28-Aug-13 17:31:06

I think a recent yougov poll says that the majority of people in the UK do not support intervention in Syria. The politicians may have their own ideas.

felice Wed 28-Aug-13 17:26:01

i live in Brussels and have become used to 'BRUSSELS' being blamed for everything which goes wrong in the little Island of the coast of the rest of Europe, even though it was the sub-prime lending in the US which caused your recession. Why does the British government think it has the right to interfere in other countries conflicts. Ok it is awful but did they interfere in Rwanda, the Congo, as there are still bombs being picked up by school children in Northern Ireland should they just get the Uk sorted before they get into another Iraq or Afganistan, i have Military family and we do not want to lose any more sons and daughters.