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Rolf Harris

(433 Posts)
grannyactivist Thu 15-May-14 12:02:50

I too will await the court verdict.
I have to say that I really don't want it to be true - and yet I have some understanding of the weight of evidence that is necessary for a case to be brought to court and the testimony so far tallies with what I've heard from many, many women who were abused in the way it's alleged the abuse was carried out by RH.
Oh dear!! sad

tanith Thu 15-May-14 11:57:12

I have that same feeling GillT57 I just can't completely lose that feeling and will await the court verdict before I condemn the man.

GillT57 Thu 15-May-14 11:39:07

I have odd feelings about Rolf Harris. Now Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall, they both made my flesh creep even as a child, and most certainly as an adult. They would have certainly failed the 'babysitter' test ( i.e. would you leave your child in the care of this person, even for a few minutes, even if the 'babysitter was a family friend?). But Rolf Harris? he didn't make my flesh creep and he is either a complete and utter monster for dragging his family along publicly, especially his daughter who was friends with the alleged victim, and for making the victim testify, or perhaps, he is innocent?

Agus Thu 15-May-14 10:50:55

I would imagine being caught out has certainly taken the wind out of his sail!
The frail old man act doesn't wash with me. What a creep.

whenim64 Thu 15-May-14 10:43:04

I was talking with my son about his wife appearing to be smiling, and wonder whether this is deliberate to show confidence in his innocence, or related to her disability and she makes herself put a brave face on to cope? Some people put some strange expressions on their face to belie what's going on inside.

Riverwalk Thu 15-May-14 10:40:42

To be fair to his wife, and other celebrities making court appearances, the photographers do call out a person's name, ask how they're doing, do you support your husband, etc then take pictures as she responds with a smile/grimace.

Alan Sugar once said that he never smiles in public because when a bad set of company figures are published the press would print a picture of the CEO with a big grin on his face.

annsixty Thu 15-May-14 10:28:31

Exactly the same as you NanKate but I do wonder if his wife is ok.She doesn't look "quite with it" it to me.

NanKate Thu 15-May-14 09:58:25

As the trial continues I notice that every photo I see of Rolf going into court his wife is grinning widely and Rolf appears to be supported physically by his family.

Whatever the truth is I wish his wife didn't look as if they were going to a party. Also Rolf has always been quite sprightly, I wonder if his new demeanour is being put on.

What do you think ?