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Spreading coughs and colds

(59 Posts)
pixie1 Tue 30-May-17 15:27:53

I don't like people or grandkids to greet me with a kiss when they have a cold/flu/cough. I don't make a big issue of it - I just avoid contact.

I have been known to turn around if someone sneezes ahead of me in the supermarket aisle.

Now my daughter has accused me of not loving my grandchildren.

Opinions please.

MagicWriter2016 Thu 08-Jun-17 15:12:11

I love hugs and kisses from my grandchildren, but have to admit, snotty, runny noses are a big no no for me. Although, once said nose has been cleaned, kissing will resume lol! I kiss my youngest grandson on whichever part of the body I am presented with, e.g., mouth, cheek, forehead, but find as they get older they prefer the cheek/forehead kisses. Whatever they are comfortable with!

Monkey63 Sat 03-Jun-17 19:36:56

Oh I do sympathise. Hubby and I started looking after our gorgeous GD Ella last September ( now 18 months old) and we have had four doses of different bugs as she picks up every virus going while at nursery three days a week. Including the one that leaves you with a hacking cough for weeks after. I haven't seen the poor little sausage without a snotty nose for weeks now. Usually it ends up all over me but I don't care coz I adore my little poppet ???

Marthajolly1 Thu 01-Jun-17 16:50:35

I'm totally on your wave phoenix.
It's not a perfect world, bugs are part of life. I could never refuse a hug or a kiss.

Aslemma Wed 31-May-17 23:48:16

If I have a cold or cough I invariably tell my grandchidrenm that I'm not goiing to get too close to them, but have never worried about catching something from them. I do think that this obsession about germs is at the root of much of the problems these days, as our bodies no longer know how to fight infection. When my own children were young we didn't get so hung up about it, apart from serious illnesses and things such as impetigo.

cornergran Wed 31-May-17 23:29:57

Agree nainai. Sometimes seemingly simple things are far from simple. This isn't something to be judgemental about. Each person and each family have a right to choose how they navigate exposure to germs. The only thing I would say is it's best to explain your stance to avoid hurt feelings.

Nainai007 Wed 31-May-17 22:45:44

I don't often comment but I feel I need to say something on this topic. We are all different. In particular, as we get older, our states of health are very different and we each need to know our limits - and our children and grandchildren need to know and respect those limits. I have bronchiectasis. A cold caught from a grandchild (I don't even have to kiss them! Just need to be in the same room.) can result in a week in hospital followed by months of getting over the high doses of prednisone given and diminished lung function. So, Petra, 'mean' to avoid contact? Please, can we stop judging each other and just accept our differences!!! We may not understand these differences because we have no experience of them ourselves, but let's give each other credit for knowing what is best for and what works for them.

stillaliveandkicking Wed 31-May-17 21:31:40

Hopefully everyone cuddles. But if I have a snotty kid in front of me whether it be related or not I certainly wouldn't give a kiss.

Brismum Wed 31-May-17 20:57:20

Kisses & cuddles are the order of the day in our family lips cheeks wherever! The 1 year old was miserable & made his kissy mouth & held up his arms. A kiss on the lips & then a cuddle. Precious moments they don't last forever!

pollyperkins Wed 31-May-17 19:42:44

But as I've said on another thread my DH has always had cold sores (at least as long as Ive known him - over 50 years) and despite kissing him many times I have never caught one - at least not yet! None of our children or GC have either.

mcem Wed 31-May-17 17:55:44

I am super-careful about cold sores - unlike my dear mum who passed on her herpes bug to me.
I've always warned my own 3 dc's and 4 gc's to stay clear. To point out not to use the one 'odd' towel in the bathroom. Never to experiment with gran's lipsticks/ glosses.

It seems to have worked as not one of the 7 has ever had a cold sore.

Coughs and sneezes are pretty well unavoidable with wee ones.

phoenix Wed 31-May-17 17:41:17

Nanna58 grin

Esspee Wed 31-May-17 17:34:45

Your daughter is being unreasonable.

Nanna58 Wed 31-May-17 16:18:26

Can't avoid germs from my 18mnth old grandson, his MO for kissing you when in your arms is to open his mouth and sort of fall onto your face where he clamps on like a limpet- I sincerely hope his technique improves before he gets a girlfriend!

phoenix Wed 31-May-17 15:53:55

Sorry if I sounded harsh, my boss has a weakened immune system, so I'm very careful if I have any sort of cold type virus to sanitize the office phone, and keep a decent distance (we don't go in for physical contact, I hasten to add confused)

However I do think that some people do get a bit OTT about "germs". A friend gets all of a doo daa if a dog comes within a couple of feet of her (she's not afraid of dogs, just germs) but has no problem with handling money!

Coolgran65 Wed 31-May-17 15:42:34

There's always the option of the old fashioned..... blowing a kiss smile

Elisabeth68 Wed 31-May-17 15:19:58

I am lying in bed having caught a vicious cold from my beloved grandson. He generously spread it to both his parents and his brother as well as me! I nursed him, as parents were away, but this time I succumbed! Feel grim and hope as an asthmatic it stays in my head. Tedious, but hopefully not life threatening!

M0nica Wed 31-May-17 14:13:24

Doctors believe that one of the reasons for the rise in allergies in children is that they are growing up in homes that are over-hygienic and that they need more daily contact with the bacteria and viruses that surround us.

Obviously those who have low immunity and good medical reasons for avoiding infection need to be careful but that apart I see no reason to take especial care to avoid infection whether dealing with adults or children.

I would be in real trouble if sneezing made me a pariah. For the last five years I have sneezed at least 10 times every day, sometimes much more. I seem to have allergic rhinitis or some form of hay fever. Obviously I turn away from people when I sneeze or sneeze into a handkerchief if I get enough warning, but iam unlikely to spreading any infection as I do not have one.

FlorenceFlower Wed 31-May-17 14:00:21

It's difficult - I have recently developed adult onset asthma after pneumonia. I saw a respiratory consultant, who was marvellous, who said to avoid catching coughs and colds. Very difficult with nursery age grandchildren around! But I did pass on the consultants advice that young children, their parents, families and nursery staff often don't wash their hands often enough. We are now ALL hand washing more often and certainly there seem to be fewer family bugs around.

If one of the darling girls or family have a cold, I do a kiss on top of her head and a big hug. Have explained why, and this seems ok with everyone. Like lots of others, we don't do mouth kissing on lips to children anyway ... they do love the sophisticated air kissing! ?

Madgran77 Wed 31-May-17 13:35:37

If that comment really is just about kissing preferences then I is a daft comment!! Is it abot deeper issues though?

LesleyC Wed 31-May-17 13:13:19

I used to think catching germs from my grandchildren was inevitable, although hoped I would be immune to a lot of them by now. However, this winter has changed my mind. My grandson seemed to have a new cold every other week from nursery and we both caught them all. Unfortunately we ended up with bad sinus infections after the colds and my husband went on to have a chest infection. We have never been completely well since February and I honestly don't know if we can go on doing regular childcare next winter. I expect I will say nothing and hope for the best!

Tokyojo3 Wed 31-May-17 13:01:47

I kiss my beautiful 22 month old granddaughter no matter what condition she's in! I'd kiss her and cuddle her even if she was covered in spots and as infectious as anything! She always kisses on the lips! I simply can't get enough of her! I disagree with your daughter saying you don't love the grandchildren though. We are all different.

Legs55 Wed 31-May-17 12:58:42

I always hug & kiss (on cheek) DGS1 & kiss DGS2 on forehead, he is only 2 weeks old.

I am often guilty of coughing/sneezing in shops/supermarkets, no I haven't got a cold but I do have hay fever. I am also allergic to many perfumes & air freshners. Don't assume some-one coughing/sneezing has a cold & yes I do use a tissue.

Worst cold I had during the winter was caught from next door neighbour & no I don't hug & kiss herhmm

HannahLoisLuke Wed 31-May-17 12:55:02

I have to avoid any germs that affect the respiratory tract, otherwise I can be guaranteed to get a chest infection that lays me low for weeks. Not prepared to risk that so if anybody gets offended, tough.
Fortunately my family all know, and my grandchildren are adults and not prone to getting lots of colds.

Teddy123 Wed 31-May-17 12:37:20

My opinion is that your daughter's accusation was plain mean! I also avoid germs cos a simple cold in a child always leads to a debilitating chest infection for me. But I do still hug & plant a kiss on the top of their heads.

My obsession with avoiding his germs has led to my grandson being capable of winning a nose blowing competition! I can't bear snotty noses.

If my daughter said that to me I might just ask why she's being so nasty. Take no notice ....

BlueBelle Wed 31-May-17 12:27:52

I would never turn a kiss or cuddle down no matter what they had if they ve got it why not share it with me I just can't worry about myself more than a big ole cuddle
I ve never kissed children on the lips somehow seems wrong I know some families do but that's never happened in our family not judging just saying that's how it is for me
I m so honoured that my great big 16 year old grandson still kisses and cuddles me and invariable picks me up and calls me his little Nan (although I m not that little)