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Free firty (3:30) - is this an accent or ignorant speak?

(177 Posts)
giulia Tue 26-Sep-17 06:38:42

On another thread, W11girl told of a British continuity person who spoke like this in order to announce the time of a BBC programme. She said that when many viewers complained, the BBC defended itself by saying it supported the use of "different and varying accents". Now I am asking: is such a way of speaking to be considered as an accent or is it simply "ignorant speak"? I am not referring here to many foreigners who have difficulty with the "th" sound - the French say "zz", for example and this just adds charm to their accent.

f77ms Sun 01-Oct-17 09:23:56

I don`t think `free firty` is an accent , surely it is just a lazy way to speak . Another pet hate of mine is `haitch` for aitch which is being used all the time on the TV .