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AIBU to expect DH to have common sense?

(111 Posts)
Grandad1943 Thu 21-May-20 18:42:02

My wife often complains at this time of the year that I never roll up the garden hose after I have used it. She also often has a "verbal slap" at me when I leave my tools laying about after finishing a job around the house.

In the above, she is a verbal wordsmith in the art of the one-sentence slap down. In leaving my tools laying about, she normally states, "what job are you about to start now then"? ?

However, after fifty-one years of marriage to her, I know she would never take to an open forum to speak of my faults, even if that were under a site name.

There are topics that should always be kept only between those who hold genuine love and respect for each other.

EllanVannin Thu 21-May-20 18:12:52

He was in the Merchant Navy where space etc was at a premium so that's why he was tidy.

EllanVannin Thu 21-May-20 18:10:42

In our household when my H was alive, it was me who was the stupid one----try living with a perfectionist who used to spell out things for me grin Everything had to be done meticulously. Maybe that's why I'm now a slob.

Grandad1943 Thu 21-May-20 18:07:26

So what are your faults then Doodledog that your husband complains of in regard to yourself as to say you are not perfect.

Doodledog Thu 21-May-20 18:02:40

It's called letting off steam, Grandad. One doesn't need to be perfect to do that.

Here's a little ditty I think you might like:

Women may have many faults
but men have only two.
Everything they say
and everything they do.


Speaking of husbands - mine will not wrap up bread products when he has opened them angry. He opens croissants, rolls, teacakes, whatever, takes out what he wants, and puts the packet back without sealing it or even turning the packet upside down to close it that way. No amount of nagging/screeching/asking sweetly and reasonably will get through to him. Why?

Grandad1943 Thu 21-May-20 17:44:58

I have never claimed to be perfect PamelaJ1, and in that, I do not speak of the failings of others behind their backs on a public forum. ?

PamelaJ1 Thu 21-May-20 17:27:20

Exactly Grandad. You seem like a very wise man?
You can’t spell though??

I close windows when it’s hotter outside than in and close curtains.

Grandad1943 Thu 21-May-20 17:23:26

We see so many of these "idiot husband" threads on this forum, but of coarse everyone on these thoroughly stupid men lives with a woman who is perfect in every aspect of her life. ?

MiniMoon Thu 21-May-20 16:36:45

I know exactly what you mean. My DH does those sort of things.
We have patio doors at one end of the living room, and a window at the opposite end. He will open the window and the patio door, there is often a howling gale blowing through, which makes it uncomfortable to sit in, especially when he does it in the winter.
I've told him and told him to no avail.

Toadinthehole Thu 21-May-20 16:32:04

An Indian neighbour we had years ago, about 30, once told us that British people get it all wrong when it’s really hot, as regards to the opening/ shutting of windows etc. We should keep everything closed in the heat of the day, including curtains, especially those windows in direct sunlight, to keep the heat out, much as we would in the winter to keep the cold out. They should all be opened at night, to let any heat escape, and cooler air in. I do this every year, and it does work. We would love a window in the attic, so we could just take the ‘ lid ‘ off at night, and lose the heat much quicker. You’re right, your conservatory is a heater for your kitchen. Men seem to struggle with these things, I don’t know why. Hope you cool down soon?

Quizzer Thu 21-May-20 15:56:25

Lovely warm day and I returned from my walk to find that DH had opened the door from our kitchen to conservatory "to get some air into the kitchen" The k. does have its own windows, which were shut. The temperature in the conservatory was almost 40C (104F) and consequently the temp in the k. was over 30C and rising! In the winter he leaves the same door open and all the warmth of the k. escapes into the unheated conservatory. I have tried locking him out there but he still does constantly. angry