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Do many grandads use the site.

(125 Posts)
geeljay Sat 19-Apr-14 00:03:29

We come as a pair, but it is mainly me, the grandad, who posts. Do the grans mind?

Elegran Sun 18-May-14 20:30:57

Gay men welcome too, silverfish, likewise gay women and those who are undecided , about whether they are gay or whether they are men or women. Come to think of it, we have a transexual Gransnetter who posts on all kinds of subjects, and always sensitively. What makes you think that some gransnetters will faint with shock at the very idea?

All welcome, all views heard, so long as they do not denigrate anyone else.

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:41:34

Elegran, I just have this vision of you all being very ladylike and horrified that anything that might be considered not a ladylike topic for conversation. Some grannies might have led a sheltered life and not talked about this. e.g. my mother always makes a face when anyone mentions being gay but she is In her eighties and probably can remember when male homosexuality was illegal. I can see you all sitting at home in your posh houses drinking your tipples every night as you go online and 'thinking oh goodness, a gay person' and having a hot flush or something. You come across as quite a posh lot. Im not being horrible, just in a mood for stirring up the conversation. I love all people no matter what they are or who they are. x

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:42:16

forgive me ?

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:47:28

by the way jeanainsworth, I consider myself to be a girl. I mean that in the broadest sense. Don't nitpick

kittylester Sun 18-May-14 20:47:38

Aren't you being a tad judgmental silverfish?

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:50:43

I use the term girl instead of woman, its sounds better but its meant in a friendly way. im not being judgemental. Its hard to generalise on a pubic website as you don't know who is going to be reading but no offence meant

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:51:06

I meant 'public'

Ana Sun 18-May-14 20:55:06

I don't live in a 'posh' house, and hot flushes are a thing of the past, thank goodness! Have you considered, Silverfish that some of us may have gay relatives, offsprings, even partners? What a jaded view you seem to have of most of us - despite your declaration of love for all people.

But I can't take really take you that seriously if you're just stirring, as you claim...

rosequartz Sun 18-May-14 20:56:12

Amazing what someone's vision of other people can be from reading their posts! No, truly, not being sarcastic or anything Silverfish!

Just a minute, the butler has brought my G&T on the 2nd best silver tray, must tell him to use the best one on Sundays.


Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 20:59:05

Ana, im not having a go at gay or transsexuals. I do know several and do find they are really nice people. Don't be horrible as im not being horrible to you or anyone

Elegran Sun 18-May-14 21:01:57

Have you read ALL the threads on here? You would find some very unladylike topics. Have a search.

Elegran Sun 18-May-14 21:04:47

Pubic websites sound interesting, though a bit limited in their viewpoint.

Silverfish Sun 18-May-14 21:09:08

Goodnight everyone Im going to bed, work in the morning. Its been nice talking to you all, Hope you don't pick on me tomorrow. x

Soutra Sun 18-May-14 21:10:19

You just beat me to that elegransmile

Soutra Sun 18-May-14 21:11:38

Who has been picking on whom???grin

Soutra Sun 18-May-14 21:13:12

Someone is being a tad pricklygrin

Elegran Sun 18-May-14 21:14:16

No-one at all, Soutra. Silverfish was just telling us how she was "just in a mood for stirring up the conversation"

harrigran Sun 18-May-14 21:14:29

OMG, DH has just served the champagne in the everyday glasses instead of the Waterford ones angry
Welcome grandadR, don't be put off by unwelcoming posters they are in the minority.
Some of us have definitely led sheltered lives Silverfish, I worked as a nurse in a rough area where we needed protection to work in A&E.

Anne58 Sun 18-May-14 21:14:44

Oh dear Silverfish , sorry to say but you do seem to generalise re. an awful lot of things!

Perhaps either I am reading you wrong, or perhaps you are not making your point(s) clearly enough.

Either way, a pretty piss poor response to a new member, as in the O.P.

In my personal opinion, of course. I would never dream of speaking for others.

Galen Sun 18-May-14 21:51:23

Any gender or transgender is welcome on this site!
I think we would even welcome Martians if they wanted to join.


Are any of you Martians using a human pseudonym?

A very hearty welcome to you from us humans!smile

rosequartz Sun 18-May-14 22:05:20

wink Galen

rosequartz Sun 18-May-14 22:08:18

grandadR Sun 18-May-14 22:46:59

Well, I must say, well no I musn't, but well.....
GGD is asleep downstairs as I type. She stays here 2/3 nights a week for mummy (single parent) to work. I do all the care stuff at Gdd's house, and tomorrow I take her to school. Halfterm week GGD n I are off to see my son for a night in Dublin to visit his newborn - an interesting situation (my wife will be at home looking after her mum). A am basically GGD's No2 carer/bond after mummy, and I am male late 60's.
It has not been an easy journey with my wife - GGD is from her family, we have no genetic offspring, though I would like it. She does however support me fully in it, and plays a very important role in the dynamic.
I will not speak for my wife or represent her views, I am a non parent carer, and am looking for a forum to discuss all of the issues that can come up in such a roll - in some ways I find it a very lonely place.
The song that makes me cry these days is "absolute beginners" (bowie) because that's what I am and always have been.
I will not hang around if not wanted, I left before because I felt a bit of an intruder.


Galen Sun 18-May-14 22:51:39

Good for you! A sincere welcome from me at least?
You sound a very caring person and I think you'll find a lot of friends and support here.
You only have to ask.
I'm to bed now
Sleep well.moon

Are you are a Martian?

Mishap Sun 18-May-14 22:57:42

Ignore the abrasive stuff that sometimes creeps in and be assured of a warm welcome. It sounds as though you are doing a great job.