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David Mellor and taxi driver

(93 Posts)
Riverwalk Tue 25-Nov-14 09:43:59

David Mellor was involved in a verbal spat with a taxi driver - am I wrong in thinking it was disgraceful of the driver to send/sell a recording of the argument to a newspaper? hmm


rosequartz Sun 30-Nov-14 20:17:15

Ooh no, please, papa he just hasn't got the physique. shock

papaoscar Sun 30-Nov-14 19:48:37

Nice to imagine Mr Mellor in the middle of a scrum of London cabbies!

petallus Sun 30-Nov-14 19:47:11

Rugby has a video playback facility for the ref to refer to before he makes his final decision. Football does not for some reason.

annodomini Sun 30-Nov-14 19:31:28

And what is more, they don't argue with the ref's decisions. It's a pity that football doesn't have a sinbin like rugby does.

petallus Sun 30-Nov-14 18:51:24

Rugby players are quite different to footballers lookswise. Chunkier and with much fatter necks! grin

rosequartz Sun 30-Nov-14 18:31:09

papa I am not recommending you for Poet Laureate grin

Boring? Rugby? All those lovely dirty men? shock

Nonu Sun 30-Nov-14 18:26:48

I am glad when we beat other countries !!
But I think Rugby is the ultimate boring game !!

Ana Sun 30-Nov-14 18:20:02


papaoscar Sun 30-Nov-14 18:18:29

Yes, * Ana *, fired up by a nice win over Australia yesterday, but it won't last...

Ana Sun 30-Nov-14 17:58:52

Nonu sunshine

Papaoscar, you do seem to be very much in Mr Angry mode today!

Nonu Sun 30-Nov-14 17:54:15

I think it is good of him to make substantial donation, he has no need to.

papaoscar Sun 30-Nov-14 17:51:13

A fella called Mellor was rude
To a London taxi-driving old dude
Who whipped out his 3G
Took it down for posterity
And left Mellor looking like an arrogant, patronising old snob!

rosesarered Sun 30-Nov-14 17:41:11

And the moral of this story is........ never get drunk and then get into an arguement with a taxi driver.

rosequartz Sun 30-Nov-14 17:29:13

A requirement of the CV.

POGS Sun 30-Nov-14 17:17:24

So was Emily Thornberry, must be trait. confused

rosequartz Sun 30-Nov-14 15:57:07

Well, he was a barrister.

petallus Sun 30-Nov-14 08:45:40

Apology was grudging and not aimed directly at fhe taxi driver. Weasel words.

Even more of a tricky, arrogant bast*rd than I thought he was!

rubysong Sat 29-Nov-14 23:39:05

Apology was very grudging, blaming the drink. I think the phrase 'in vino veritas' may well apply. I wonder if he would have tried to deny it, but for the recording.

GrannyTwice Sat 29-Nov-14 23:22:54

Apology or not he is still an utter oik

GrannyTwice Sat 29-Nov-14 23:21:28

It was LBC- they clearly told him he had to apologise if he wanted to continue with his overpaidshow with them and especially as he had threatened the cabbie with exposure on that same show

durhamjen Sat 29-Nov-14 22:19:04

Can't get the video to work, anno, but I assume he did it after his mate had been found guilty of calling a policeman a pleb.
Hope the taxi-drivers are still going to refuse to pick him up.

annodomini Sat 29-Nov-14 17:23:56

Here's his grovelling apology to his listeners on Radio 2. He says he will only drink water at future celebrations and will give a 'substantial' donation to the taxi drivers' Christmas fund for under-privileged children. So that's all right then. hmm

Deedaa Thu 27-Nov-14 22:19:50

When I complained to our MP (an ex GP) about the closure of the local midwife led birthing unit his reply was that no woman in his family would be allowed to give birth except in a hospital with a doctor!!! Arrogant and overbearing - or am I wrong in thinking it's the 21st century?

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 27-Nov-14 17:10:23

Maggiemaybe That is so funny! grin

durhamjen Thu 27-Nov-14 17:04:43

If you've seen today's news you will know what Andrew Mitchell has to do with this, too.