Gransnet forums


Golden Wedding

(76 Posts)
Luckygirl Thu 13-Aug-20 15:27:25

Next Wednesday it would have been our Golden Wedding anniversary. But he died in February.

I had been doing OK, ticking along from day to day; but just thinking about this milestone next week is completely undoing me. We have always had jolly celebrations on our landmark anniversaries: a ceilidh for silver, and for the ruby a wonderful day at a local manor house, where friends and family all went for a lovely walk, then a meal in the barn with a classical guitarist entertaining while we ate. Lovely happy events to look back on.

I just have no idea what I will do with myself next Wednesday - I just feel like crawling into a hole and giving up. Just writing this has me in tears.

What did others do on these post-bereavement landmark days? Anyone got any suggestions that might help?