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(255 Posts)
Cressida Fri 05-Aug-11 14:50:15

When you can't remember what sex is.

JessM Fri 05-Aug-11 14:50:05

I dont know. I do remember someone (some years ago) having a group of us women in hysterics - she ran a care home with her husband and apparently one of their more immobile 80+ residents used to insist on being passed her vibrator at bedtime.
Is this still amusing? Discuss in less than...

Granny23 Fri 05-Aug-11 14:30:46

Please tell me that the answer is 65 so that I can feel equally wicked as I did at 15.

Zephrine Fri 05-Aug-11 14:29:27

About 35 according to Mr.Z!

riclorian Fri 05-Aug-11 14:06:45

If under 16s are considered too young for sex , at what age are you considered too old ?