Gransnet forums


I think Gransnetters should stop going on about trolls.

(52 Posts)
JO4 Sat 25-Aug-12 12:20:25

I think it is very rare to get a troll on Gransnet. In fact I can only remember one, and that was quite obviously a schoolkid. I think it was at the start of the summer holidays last year.

No one can really ever prove that they haven't name changed to post something controversial, but I DOUBT IT HAPPENS! Most Gn's would be quite comfortable to say whatever under their usual name.

I think the post that was deleted the other day was more likely to have been a lurker who suddenly decided to say what they think.

Stop being so flippin' suspicious of other people, hmm

JO4 Sun 26-Aug-12 11:27:49

jens I'm not ga-ga. Honestly. [bites-fingernails-as-she-knows-quite-well-she-wouldn't-know-it-if-she-was]