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What was your favourite comic or character

(106 Posts)
merlotgran Fri 12-May-17 12:21:46

My favourite was Girl. I loved the historical biographies on the back page and Gladys Aylward is still my hero.

I also loved reading my brother's Eagle. Ditto the back page. I think I was in love with Horatio Nelson grin

TriciaF Fri 12-May-17 12:18:25

Dennis the Menace (and Minnie the Minx) - no I wasn't really like that, just thought they were funny.

paddyann Fri 12-May-17 12:00:20

my dad didn't like us reading comics ,or Enid Blyton for that matter,so my lovely granny used to smuggle some in when she knew he would be at work.W e got caught though because I decided writing to the letters pages would be a good idea and had letters published in three comics in one week ..a neighbour told him what a clever girl I was ....hahaha.He relaxed the comics rule then so I got Diana every week .I think I was about 10 .

wildswan16 Fri 12-May-17 11:58:28

Bunty for me too. I loved The Four Mary's and Toots.

JackyB Fri 12-May-17 11:42:02

I had "June and School Friend" which was probably a fusion of two earlier comics. It made you feel really grown-up with beauty tips for 11-year-olds.

Kacee Fri 12-May-17 11:25:08

Inspired by the topper thread. What was your favourite comic when you were younger. Mine was Bunty, used to cut out the doll and clothes from the back page. As I got older I moved on to Jackie which I loved.
Dd used to love the Beano and I still buy her the Annual every year and she is 37 smile