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Good Morning Wednesday

(36 Posts)
harrigran Wed 13-Mar-19 07:13:11

Good morning, gale force wind again in the NE.
Thinking of soop this morning.

NanKate Wed 13-Mar-19 06:52:00

Morning Mick and All.

Looks surprisingly calm here in South Bucks, hope it remains so as we are off round the M25 again to look after our DGSs while our DS is away. It’s just a short visit this time and returning on Friday after the school drop off. Then we have been given a whole week off before we go down again !

Kalu Wed 13-Mar-19 06:50:02

Good morning Mick and all to come.

Horrible stormy weather for the second day here in Perthshire. Hoping for some abatement tomorrow before I go stir crazy. Plenty to do indoors as decorator is finishing up but I much prefer being outside pottering in the garden.

Hope your hands are settling Marydoll ?

Sounds like you are on the mend Brunette. DH felt a bit fluish a couple of days ago but it only lasted 24hrs and as it’s not a flu nor just a cold, we have named it....a clu ?

Willow10 Wed 13-Mar-19 06:47:29

Good morning all. Dry but blustery in E. Northants. Archery this morning followed by coffee and chat. Have a pleasant day everyone.

Nana3 Wed 13-Mar-19 06:37:58

Good morning all, windy, cold and grey in Lancashire. Out for lunch with 2 friends today.
Have a good day everyone.

Neti Wed 13-Mar-19 06:29:36

Morning all.

I've not checked the weather but it sounds blustery.

Anyhow the dog's been fed and is back sleeping on my bed and I'm enjoying my morning coffee.

I'm recovering from a bout of illness and am still feeling fragile so I may postpone joining the organised pack walk for another week and take a stroll around the meadow later.
We'll see.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

kittylester Wed 13-Mar-19 06:29:25

Morning mick, morning all.

It's is quite light already in North Leicestershire and it is raining.

The reason I can tell it's light and raining is that our velux blind has broken and won't come down. Also the kitchen door won't close properly. I'm slightly worried about driving anywhere today!! grin

Gagagran Wed 13-Mar-19 06:27:00

Morning Beechnut!

Gagagran Wed 13-Mar-19 06:26:18

Good Morning Mick and everyone.

Looks a bit calmer here on the south coast and it is dry but cloudy so who knows what we have in store today.

Cleaners coming this morning and DH is out with his cycle club so I can enjoy some solo time.

Especially thinking of Soop today and sending best wishes for a successful operation.

Have a good day everyone.

Beechnut Wed 13-Mar-19 06:23:13

Good Morning everyone.

Looks fairly dry outside and cloudy.

I will be getting up shortly as we are off to Hampshire today.

Have a good day all ?

12Michael Wed 13-Mar-19 06:19:56

Good Morning Everyone,
Just about recovered from the late night out, anyway its dry but windy here in Brackley this morning.
Quite day , with cycle racing on TV later.