Gransnet forums


causing offense?

(229 Posts)
Grammaretto Fri 04-Oct-19 12:35:17

2 of our DGC are gingers. So far they have only had compliments.
I think any comments to strange children are out of bounds these days I'm afraid.

SueDonim Fri 04-Oct-19 12:16:32

I'm a redhead and yes, I'd find 'gingernut' to be offensive. I was called that often as a child and it was never meant as a compliment.

Calendargirl Fri 04-Oct-19 12:03:35

Perhaps could have said what you originally thought, what beautiful auburn hair he has. Just sounds more complimentary than ginger nut maybe.

Fennel Fri 04-Oct-19 12:00:16

I was in the lift going up to Tesco yesterday, with a Gran and her grandson in a push chair.
The little boy had beautiful auburn hair so I said "He's a real gingernut!" At first I thought the Gran didn't look too pleased, so I said "My hair used to be that colour". After a pause, she said "So was mine".
Do some people take offense at being called Ginger? I got called many teasing names.