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Good Morning Friday

(82 Posts)
12Michael Fri 18-Oct-19 06:25:13

Good Morning Everyone,
Its still dark, and its wet here in Brackley this morning.
my weekly shop with extras as my sister is coming down and staying in the guest room facility.
Today , pop into Banbury, and then come home and have a quiet day.

Urmstongran Fri 18-Oct-19 09:27:20

Hold tight gillybob we are all with you in spirit lady. Your husband will know you are close by willing him to pull through. It was kind of you (your natural self) to come on here to update us all. As Maw says, miracles DO happen.

lovebeigecardigans1955 Fri 18-Oct-19 09:33:29

Oh gillybob like everyone here I wish I could properly reach out to you and make everything better.
We never run out of tears for our loved ones and I'm sure we're all shedding a few tears too, especially those of us who have been through this.
My thoughts are with you.

Nortsat46 Fri 18-Oct-19 09:33:38

Thank you for the update gillybob, when you are in such a challenging place, it's thoughtful.
I think tears are a bottomless well, reflecting our bottomless love for our special people.
I am certain that loved ones can hear us talking to them, on some level, even if they are not conscious. It must be so familiar and must offer them comfort.

Wishing everyone a good day and good thoughts to all facing challenges.

Cherrytree59 Fri 18-Oct-19 09:34:14

Just popped in hoping for news from Gilly
I am so sorry to read your news Gilly.
I send you hugs.
You are made of strong Northern Stuff, as is your DH, hang in there lass we are all rooting for you both.

GrannySomerset Fri 18-Oct-19 09:35:22

Have been watching anxiously for news of Gilly and, like everyone else, have added her to my prayers. Am amazed at how genuinely concerned we are about someone we only know through GN and how concerned we are for the whole family.

grannyqueenie Fri 18-Oct-19 09:35:35

I often read but never usually post on this thread but can’t ignore gillys message. Thinking of you and praying you’ll find all the strength you need. X

Yiayia4 Fri 18-Oct-19 09:39:44

Morning all not posted for ages but just what to send love and strength to you Gilly.
I have been in your position with husband and son and miracles certainly do happen.Your in my thoughts please take care of yourself.

Lisagran Fri 18-Oct-19 09:44:59

Thinking of you, poor Gillybob. Keep talking to your husband; I’m sure he will hear you. Remember to take care of yourself too. flowers x

Kalu Fri 18-Oct-19 09:50:52

Dear gilly it’s good of you to let all your friends know how you are.

Myself and I know others here understand the loneliness and despair that you are going through. I agree that talking to your DH is a good thing as is quietly singing to him, tunes he will recognise are both positives.

It’s easier said than done gilly but you have to look after yourself too, regular nourishment, rest/sleep to ensure you don’t become ill by putting your own needs aside.

Healing vibes and positive thoughts for you both ?

harrigran Fri 18-Oct-19 09:57:13

Late good morning, grey and damp.
Stay positive gilly, conversation and touch from a loved one is comforting for a poorly patient.
I send all my love and healing thoughts and if there is anything practical DH and I can do to help you just send a message.

conor Fri 18-Oct-19 09:58:27

Always read and never post but have been compelled to pass on love and support for Gillybob who keeps us entertained with her stories and always remains so cheerful. Indeed miracles do happen and so much positives thoughts going to her from Gransnet friends xxxx

Kalu Fri 18-Oct-19 10:02:20

Positively tropical up here today Marydoll?. Can’t decide which colour of shorts to wear for pottering about in the garden?

Lona Fri 18-Oct-19 10:11:39

gilly flowers thinking of you and your husband xx

Greyduster Fri 18-Oct-19 10:34:23

Hang in there, Gilly. Sending you a hug. ???

NanKate Fri 18-Oct-19 10:44:21

Gilly you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for taking the time to write to us all, we have been so worried. We will be waiting for you when you have the strength to post again. flowers

vena11 Fri 18-Oct-19 10:50:10

Keep you in my thoughts gillybobflowers

ginny Fri 18-Oct-19 10:55:29

Thoughts and ? to Gillybob and family. X

Auntieflo Fri 18-Oct-19 10:57:57

Gilly, thank you for taking time to post an update. Like all the other GN who have sent loving thought and prayers, I add mine. My heart is heavy for you, and I wish we could all do something.
Keep holding Mr G's hand and talking, he will hear you.
Don't know what else to say or add, except hope you are taking care of yourself.

Sar53 Fri 18-Oct-19 11:09:51

Like everyone else I Just want to send my love and say I am thinking of you Gillybob and your dear DH. flowers xx

CaroleAnne Fri 18-Oct-19 11:17:00

Dear Gillybob. I as everyone else is thinking about you and hope that there is a good outcome.
I can understand that you are feeling numb as it has all been a shock.
We are all here for you whatever the outcome.
The main thing is that you look after yourself so that you have the strength
to get though it all.
I will be sending you healing thoughts for both you and Mr G.
Love and best wishes from Carole.

whywhywhy Fri 18-Oct-19 11:20:09

Good morning everyone. Food shop done, bathroom cleaned and now off to plants some bulbs before the next wave of rain comes over. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

mumofmadboys Fri 18-Oct-19 11:21:03

Thoughts and prayers for you and your DH Gilly. Hope things improve very soon.x

Grammaretto Fri 18-Oct-19 12:03:54

Sending love to Gillybob

Ellylanes1 Fri 18-Oct-19 12:34:05

Thoughts with you Gilly and your family, wishing Mr G well.

KatyK Fri 18-Oct-19 12:49:58

gilly flowers