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(29 Posts)
vinasol Tue 24-Dec-19 10:34:19

I love a bath whilst I can still manage in and out of it! I have a daily shower, but often in the evening feel like a nice hot bubble bath with the candles on. It definitely helps me to sleep better too.

Do you still like to have a bath or is it now easier to have a shower?

timetogo2016 Sat 28-Dec-19 09:28:37

Showers for me.
Never liked bathing I always felt I needed a shower after.

Shropshirelass Sat 28-Dec-19 09:37:43

I always shower and hadn't had a bath for a few years, mainly as I didn't have time to relax and enjoy one! Last year I had a shoulder injury and also a slipped disc at the same time! Epsom salts bath was a recommendation, after managing to get the hot tap working (it was rather seized up) I ran a lovely deep hot bath and enjoyed my soothing soak. All was good until I tried to get out! I was stuck, left arm useless due to shoulder injury and right leg useless due to slipped disc! Deciding that shouting for help from my husband was not an option, at least not yet, I tried every way possible. I emptied the bath water and finally managed to get out, by this time freezing cold and pains worse than before I had my bath! Injuries now well on the mend so I might try again!

vinasol Tue 31-Dec-19 16:34:38

So sorry to hear that Shropshireless. Sounds like a bath was the total opposite to how it should have been for you. I hope you manage to enjoy a nice relaxing bath in the near future!

I've been enjoying my new bath bombs and bubble bath. Without a doubt I sleep better after I've had a bath, I'll still take them whilst I can still manage out of them!