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I like Jess Phillip's a lot but

(103 Posts)
kittylester Sun 02-Aug-20 17:21:57

I think she is being a bit unreasonable to expect the whip to be taken away from the Tory, ex cabinet member who is accused, but not charged last I heard, with raping a woman.

Galaxy Mon 03-Aug-20 22:18:42

Your stats were fine Iam64 , it was me, I said in the uk when it wasnt a study specific to this country. I accept full responsibilitygrin

Iam64 Tue 04-Aug-20 08:40:51

The young woman involved in the current police investigation into allegations against an MP is reported as saying she feels that the party is more concerned to support the alleged perpetrator than the victim.
Westiminster has a very poor record where alleged sexual offences are concerned.
Charlie Elphicke had the whip returned when Theresa May needed all the votes she could get. He's now been found guilty of the offences he faced at that time. His supporters rallied in a similar way to those involved in the current case. The belief seems to be that because they know the individual well, the allegations cant possibly be true.