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Why couldn’t he do that yesterday?

(158 Posts)
winterwhite Mon 04-Jan-21 22:01:26

Also feel sorry for head teachers who have been tearing their hair out getting ready to embark on the mass testing malarkey from tomorrow. What a waste of their time, and on something that should never have been their responsibility in the first place.
And let’s hope the long-promised iPads / tablets for children with no tech at home really do materialise now.

vampirequeen Mon 04-Jan-21 21:50:04

He simply waits to see what others are doing and reacts accordingly. We need someone who listens to the scientists and acts. Not someone who blames everyone but himself. This time it was the fault of the naughty virus mutating just when we were beginning to win. We'll only win if we bite the bullet again but this time and in the future fund the NHS properly. After all didn't he promise £300+million a week to the NHS. Time to put his money (our money) where his mouth is.

Urmstongran Mon 04-Jan-21 21:44:44

We bubble for childcare. Their school will decide tomorrow who needs to be on the list of children of key workers (our daughter as she will be in work teaching other key workers children). Their school had an inset day today. Surely be mid afternoon when the schools knew this was happening the list ought to have been ready? Nothing on their website tonight. I feel sorry for the parents with no back up who have to tell their employers.

Another fine mess Stanley.

MissAdventure Mon 04-Jan-21 21:34:45

I'm glad I put off buying yet another pair of shoes and topping up the uniform again! angry

I think boris is reacting to the fact that schools have been preparing to take action if forced to open.

MayBee70 Mon 04-Jan-21 21:29:50

None of our family met at Christmas. DD is furious that her youngest boy ended up going into school for one stupid day when we’d been saying for weeks that schools should remain closed. It was patently obvious.

lemsip Mon 04-Jan-21 20:25:31

at least it's done!!

Lucca Mon 04-Jan-21 20:23:40

Totally Agree. Just cruel. My DGD so excited to go back today now no more school.

midgey Mon 04-Jan-21 20:21:47

Everyone knew there was a lockdown coming so why on earth did Boris not just crack on yesterday. Did he have to wait for Nicola?