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Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen .................... your grandmother?

(91 Posts)
25Avalon Wed 16-Jun-21 16:53:17

Got a shock the other day. As I was coming in the back door I caught my reflection in the glass and thought that’s my grandmother! My grandmother died when I was 15 so a real flashback out of the blue. I have grown my hair long during lockdown and no longer have a fringe. With a head band on, exposing my forehead and wearing glasses I recognised her immediately. It was uncanny as I never thought I looked like her. Weird.

timetogo2016 Thu 17-Jun-21 12:25:33

I don`t look like my mother or grandmother,yet my Aunt and Uncle says that my mother will never be dead as long as i`m here.
And i still don`t see it.

3nanny6 Thu 17-Jun-21 12:36:19

No I have never seen any resemblance to my GM and not even my own mother. I have been told I do look like my mother by other people. My mother always said I looked like my fathers
side of the family.

I have an older cousin who was born near the end of the war.
That cousin has a daughter five years younger than me and we look almost like twins all my friends comment on the likeness.

Ailidh Thu 17-Jun-21 12:58:23

Yes. Over the last couple of years I seem to have grown my grandmother's ears.

B9exchange Thu 17-Jun-21 14:15:39

Yes, just recently, something about the nose and eyes. It was a shock when I saw my mother looking back at me in the mirror, will it be my GGM in a few years time? Not that I ever met her...

BlueDahlia Thu 17-Jun-21 16:25:58

It's strange, I always thought I looked like my father as I have his colouring but as I have got older and greyer, I can see that I have the same bone structure, shape of mouth and set of eyes as my mother and grandmother. Still gives me a shock sometimes when I unexpectedly catch my reflection!
I also, going from photographs, have identical (and quite unusually shaped) hands to my great grandmother, which no one else in the family has inherited so far.

cornergran Thu 17-Jun-21 16:46:20

Not to my grandmother but definitely to my only paternal Aunt. Same eyes, face shape and mouth. We got on well. I liked her.

agnurse Thu 17-Jun-21 16:51:06

Close! When I use two mirrors and look at my profile, I have my mother's cheekbones. However, when you look at pictures of my father's female cousins when they were young, you'd swear you were looking at a picture of me. I was showing Hubby a picture of Dad's maternal grandmother when she was a young mother, and according to Hubby I strongly resemble her as a young woman. (Dad's cousins who I resemble are his double first cousins; Grandpa's brother was married to Grandma's sister. Consequently I didn't know which side of his family I most resembled.)

Grandmadinosaur Thu 17-Jun-21 17:06:33

Yes I do - every time I brush my very thick hair. My hair is the bane of my life but it must me down to my maternal grandmother.
A few days ago we visited MIL who we haven’t seen since last autumn. As we were leaving she was stood at the bottom of her path and I turned round and I saw her mother down to a tee. A bit unnerving at the time. Discussing it with DH and he said he had the same thoughts.

Shirlb Fri 18-Jun-21 10:37:59

See mum and sister (who always looked like her) is bit scary!!

JdotJ Fri 18-Jun-21 10:38:15 very much missed mum

lizzypopbottle Fri 18-Jun-21 10:39:22

Yes, I certainly see my mother. Her hands are on the steering wheel as I drive and I see her often in the mirror. The first time I saw my grandmother (paternal), looking back at me, it was a surprise but not unwelcome. People always likened me to my dad. I see him in the mirror too. ?

henetha Fri 18-Jun-21 10:42:16

Occasionally, and strangely enough only yesterday. I was combing my hair, put the comb down and just glanced in the mirror again and there was my mother!

Jaxie Fri 18-Jun-21 10:42:20

Chewbacca you made me laugh out loud. Yes, I look just like Granny Bailey now. I showed a friend a photo of my 22-year-old self: long straight hair, willowy figure, mini skirt, contact lenses and she couldn’t believe it was me.. Now I’m bowed with arthritis, balding, wear glasses, the contours of my legs & body ( I was known as “ Snake hips Bailey” in my youth) lumpy but hey: I’m still here. Granny Bailey died of a heart attack before she reached my age and the drugs are evidently protecting me from a similar fate - provided my husband doesn’t incense me with uncontrollable rage with his shenanigans.

henetha Fri 18-Jun-21 10:44:23

Sorry... I misred the title. No, not my grandmother.

Gelisajams Fri 18-Jun-21 10:44:24

I’m a female image of my father and my son is the image of him too. It’s strange as my son is the age I best remember my father.

Yammy Fri 18-Jun-21 10:46:08

When I look in the mirror I see my mother fat, specs,going grey, luckily I was persuaded to have a different hairstyle at the hairdressers so I don't look like a budgie like she did.
The odd thing is until lockdown I looked like my dad and his sister, all my life and even my grandad on that side I have been fair. I still have my dads feet and legs but my apple body shape is definitely my mother.

Moggycuddler Fri 18-Jun-21 10:47:38

I don't remember either of my grandmothers. They both died before I was born. I don't look like my mother, or my father, especially. (Though I do hear my mother in my voice and things I say sometimes.) My daughter, however, is the image of my dad, but in a very feminine way, I hasten to add! I look at her sometimes and see him.

jenni123 Fri 18-Jun-21 10:49:07

I was adopted so have no idea how my parents would look now, although I did trace my birth family and got a pic of my birth mother holding me as a new baby and people who knew me as a young woman , when they see the picture they think it is me holding one of my children. My daughter looks and sounds like me, especially on the phone.

Ladyleftfieldlover Fri 18-Jun-21 10:51:17

I don’t look a bit like my mum but there are hints of dad and one of his sisters. My sister is the double of one of our paternal great aunts. My younger son has the face of OH’s paternal grandmother. Genes, eh!

SueLindsey Fri 18-Jun-21 10:52:54

A few years ago I looked in the mirror and saw my mother. It really freaked me out as we always had a difficult relationship! Thankfully I havent "seen" her in the mirror since.

Daisend1 Fri 18-Jun-21 10:59:37

I resemble my father in looks and most important his character which has got me where I am today.

Theoddbird Fri 18-Jun-21 10:59:46

I have my father's facial bone structure I think. My eldest grandson is the splitting image of his great great grandfather. In pictures looks like same person.

TerryM Fri 18-Jun-21 11:06:03

Definitely my dad looks back .
His nose and face shape

TrendyNannie6 Fri 18-Jun-21 11:09:40

It’s quite uncanny really as if I look at photos of myself I look like my dad, yet when I see my reflection it’s my mum

Jillybird Fri 18-Jun-21 11:10:37

Message withdrawn at poster's request.