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How many uses can a man find for a clean tea towel?

(80 Posts)
Yammy Wed 21-Sep-22 12:10:54

After reading the thread about frugal things I started to think about what use a man can find for a clean Tea towel other than drying dishes.
Wipe all the dirty work surfaces down meant to be a favour.
Clean his shoes at the last minute.
Wipe his hands after stuffing the chicken and not tell.
Wipe up spills from the floor or cooker.
Wipe kitchen tiles that are splashed with tomato.
Pat meat dry before cooking.
In a hurry clean the car windscreen.
It is hung back up without telling, although we do have a handy supply of old teatowels and towels just for this purpose.hmm

Yammy Mon 26-Sep-22 13:52:41

I wish I was still yummy though when we landed at this house my next-door neighbour asked me what I was doing with a yummy mummy car, the old mini is still going strong.
Thanks for your support.
Dh knows what I wrote and actually added a few I hadn't said, the mucous made me laugh he hasn't confessed to that one yet.

Tizliz Wed 28-Sep-22 08:28:26

Thought of this thread last night when OH kicked the dog’s water bowl and I handed him the tea towel I was using to soak up the water. It did go straight in the washing machine

Prentice Wed 28-Sep-22 09:49:28


I only use tea towels for drying the washing up. Am I some kind of a freak?

No indeed, you are a good man.My DH will ask for a cloth for any other purpose, then it can be either washed or thrown away.
I do not think it a matter of the sexes here, but each different person having a different character.

Lovetopaint037 Wed 28-Sep-22 10:02:25

Perhaps these “rogue” dh’s misbehave as a way of being banned from the kitchen. Wouldn’t put it past them.