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I didn’t think dogs were allowed in Waitrose 😳

(208 Posts)
NanKate Sat 24-Feb-24 17:53:03

I was shopping in a large Waitrose today in Henley on Thames. Two men were in the store with a large Alsatian, not a guide dog. One of the Store personnel was talking to them and I assumed there were being told to leave the store, however this didn’t happen.

On looking closer at the chap in the woolly hat I realised it was Russell Brand and another chap who I recognised but can’t name.

No one challenged him, maybe they didn’t dare.

Maggiemaybe Sat 24-Feb-24 17:57:32

How odd. According to their website, only assistance dogs with the appropriate collar/harness are allowed in stores.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 24-Feb-24 17:59:44

I know dogs aren’t usually allowed in shops unless they are assistance dogs. I would never take my German shepherd (Alsatian) into a shop but she is very clean and properly groomed - which is more than I would say of Russell Brand, ghastly man.

RosiesMaw Sat 24-Feb-24 18:03:10

I hope Russell Brand was muzzled.

BlueBelle Sat 24-Feb-24 18:06:55

Not true GSM it appears to be up to the shops
they go in a number here including our charity shop Personally I wish they didn’t and that’s nothing against the dogs just don’t think it’s the right place for them or us

How strange that you care happy to nance Russel Brand but not his mate nankate bit unfair to him

BlueBelle Sat 24-Feb-24 18:07:20

Name not nance 🤣

MissAdventure Sat 24-Feb-24 18:11:34

Perhaps it was Jack Russel Brand? smile

Rosie51 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:12:05

I read that as NanKate recognised the other man's face but doesn't know or recall his name. There are plenty of actors etc I know their face but have no idea what their name is.

Sago Sat 24-Feb-24 18:13:44

I love dogs but they are everywhere now!

Cossy Sat 24-Feb-24 18:14:18

I wouldn’t dream of taking any of our dogs into any shops ever, I too loathe RB!

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 24-Feb-24 18:17:29

I remember being in a restaurant and I recognised that the man at the next table was someone I’d seen on tv, but I couldn’t remember his name and still can’t.

I agree Rosies, RB should have been muzzled.

SeaWoozle Sat 24-Feb-24 18:18:17

Russell Brand needs a muzzle and a harness. But he might like that..... 🤷

Patsy70 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:19:22


I hope Russell Brand was muzzled.


MissInterpreted Sat 24-Feb-24 18:29:09

I wouldn't take my dog into any shops either. I note there are many people now who have 'assistance dogs', but not in an official capacity, if that makes sense. I know shops, restaurants, bars etc can't refuse entry to someone with an 'official' assistance dog, but the 'unofficial' ones seem to be a bit of a grey area.

Iam64 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:42:47

John Lewis allow ‘well behaved dogs’. I took one of mine as a twelve month old, part of her training, five years ago. She was the only dog in the store and behaved impeccably
Recently I visited a big JL in leafy Cheshire. Endless doodle dogs, yapping, barking, lunging to ‘say hello ‘ to every human and dog. Absence of handler management, sadly this means my big young lab can’t go to that store as part of his training. He’s a peach but he dislikes rude behaviour, dogs lunging yapping at him. So much changes in the last few years

Iam64 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:43:12

Rosie’s Maw 👏😂

Callistemon21 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:53:30


I know dogs aren’t usually allowed in shops unless they are assistance dogs. I would never take my German shepherd (Alsatian) into a shop but she is very clean and properly groomed - which is more than I would say of Russell Brand, ghastly man.


Callistemon21 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:54:08


I hope Russell Brand was muzzled.


Oh, do keep them coming, Gransnetters!

Callistemon21 Sat 24-Feb-24 18:57:35

He's friends with Noel Gallagher, apparently, was it him?
He doesn't look exactly clean and well-groomed either.

NanKate Sat 24-Feb-24 19:01:39

I’ve been trying to find the name of the other chap. I think he is an actor. He was small, blonde with an odd shaped head. 🙃

There will be a prize of a shopping session with RB for the first person who names the friend. 😀

NanKate Sat 24-Feb-24 19:02:22

Not Noel Gallagher.

SeaWoozle Sat 24-Feb-24 19:15:07


I’ve been trying to find the name of the other chap. I think he is an actor. He was small, blonde with an odd shaped head. 🙃

There will be a prize of a shopping session with RB for the first person who names the friend. 😀


Callistemon21 Sat 24-Feb-24 19:22:39


I’ve been trying to find the name of the other chap. I think he is an actor. He was small, blonde with an odd shaped head. 🙃

There will be a prize of a shopping session with RB for the first person who names the friend. 😀

Not lovely Rod Stewart?

Callistemon21 Sat 24-Feb-24 19:23:49

Is he an MP?

BlueBelle Sat 24-Feb-24 19:37:53

Small and blond with an odd shaped head 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣