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o that this too too solid flesh should melt.....

(99 Posts)
petunia Tue 19-Apr-22 09:10:07

I saw a photograph today showing male mannequins in a men's shop. The mannequins were all very overweight with huge bellies. The male mannequins were easily into the morbidly obese category.

With parts of the women's fashion industry catering for larger ladies also, with very rounded models, often morbidly obese, is this the way forward? Having slim mannequins shows off clothes beautifully and for most people, slim is healthier. But most women aren't tall and slender, many are short and round.

Are we normalising a growing trend of obesity or is this just reflecting reality? Will we become so used to the larger models that we accept our own increasing waistlines as normal.

Chestnut Tue 19-Apr-22 09:20:37

Mannequins and models should be a normal weight, neither extremely thin and definitely not obese. It is very wrong to show either as they are not healthy. I don't think they have ever catered for normal sized people, it would be a delight to one day see a mannequin that looks like a person of healthy weight.

BlueSky Tue 19-Apr-22 10:19:42

I’ll never comment again on any thread mentioning weight.

Hithere Tue 19-Apr-22 10:42:45

Mannequins should represent all body types - to normalize it and also see how clothes fit

GagaJo Tue 19-Apr-22 12:03:16

I look exactly like my granny (think Norah Batty).

I'm very active and do more now than at 40.

Why should I not see mannequins that have my shape? I'm paying for clothes just like slender women.

If they want my money, they need to meet my needs.

Fashion has never been about health. If it was, we wouldn't have size zero models and mannequins.

Doodledog Tue 19-Apr-22 12:18:25

It would be really useful to be able to see clothes on models in your own shape and size. It's all very well having a dress modelled on a 25 year old who is 6' tall and a size 8; but if you're 60+, 5'3" and a size 16 it's not going to look the same, is it?

From the shop's point of view, being realistic would save people trying on things they won't buy, ordering things they send back, or just deciding to live in leggings and baggy tops.

petunia Tue 19-Apr-22 12:47:11

bluesky-is this thread likely to go down hill fast then?

ha ha. ive never been on a thread about weight before so i will see what happens.

Namsnanny Tue 19-Apr-22 12:55:52

Free publicity?
This is the fashion industry at work here.

JaneJudge Tue 19-Apr-22 13:01:29

I have seen any looking morbidly obese, where are they? If they are in a plus range then I don't think it matters. I think mannequins should represent normal people but I've seen first hand what happens to mannequins. Poor mannequins are sexually abused on a daily basis. They need their own helpline

Blossoming Tue 19-Apr-22 13:07:00

They make a change to mannequins with unfeasibly small waists and unfeasibly large breasts.

What actually constitutes ‘morbid obesity’?

nadateturbe Tue 19-Apr-22 13:07:17

I like that QVC shows models of all shapes and sizes so that people can see how clothes will look on them
I think people who are overweight already know and if they want to lose weight and are able to, they will address it.

Blondiescot Tue 19-Apr-22 13:46:06


Mannequins should represent all body types - to normalize it and also see how clothes fit

Totally agree. If you are, like me, 5'2 and on the plump side, it's very hard to visualise what something is going to look like when all the models are 6' tall and skinny as a rake. I got an email just today from one clothing company who now have a feature on their website which allows you to view the same item on a range of different-sized models. Far more realistic and far more helpful.

LisaP Wed 20-Apr-22 11:31:39


Mannequins and models should be a normal weight, neither extremely thin and definitely not obese. It is very wrong to show either as they are not healthy. I don't think they have ever catered for normal sized people, it would be a delight to one day see a mannequin that looks like a person of healthy weight.

What is considered to be 'normal weight' or healthy weight'? How do you know that a larger person is not healthy? How do you know that a very thin person is not healthy?

Growing0ldDisgracefully Wed 20-Apr-22 11:33:33

Blondiescot which company is that please? 5' 2" and on the plump side is exactly my dimensions!
Yes, it is time companies catered for all with adverts or models for something other than the "ideal? " tall skinny young customer.

MissAdventure Wed 20-Apr-22 11:34:32

I think we should have models that show a whole range of human bodies.
Big, small, double-breasted, thin, fat, and everything and everyone in between.

MissAdventure Wed 20-Apr-22 11:35:25

Double breasted?
One breasted, I meant, though 2 is good as well.

icanhandthemback Wed 20-Apr-22 11:36:12

I have always thought I'd like to see clothes on a range of different shaped mannequins but I have started buying online patterns of clothing from some of the lesser known companies who use real people to model their patterns. I find myself drawn to patterns where they are modelled on the slimmer models. I guess when I look for clothing, I am always optimistic at what the clothes could look like on me. I am obviously a dreamer!!

Dillonsgranma Wed 20-Apr-22 11:36:39

I seem to be tubular these days. ! So I need to see tubular mannequins who are size 16 with a tummy !
Fat hope ??

MissAdventure Wed 20-Apr-22 11:37:25

Tubular. grin

Altissimma Wed 20-Apr-22 11:42:24

I get regular emails from M&S that I no longer care to open. All their models are stick-thin, leggy young things, standing in stupid poses and wearing built up boots that, back in the day one only saw on people who needed built up shoes!

Keffie12 Wed 20-Apr-22 11:45:14

Not everyone is able to be slender as we get older. The average size in the U.K is a 16.

I'm between 14-16, 5:4 and have a good sense of what suits me and doesn't. I like to style and I am a unique/quirky dresser which doesn't suit everyone though does me. I love colour.

I think a range of sizes on mannequins is a good thing.

Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they are unhealthy. Also for some, health issues can be a reason for being larger.

I used to be a size 8-10 however I wasn't healthy then, as I was in a bad marriage to the ex going back 22 years since I finally took the children and left.

Healthier now in I eat properly etc. I do have some health issues due to the aftermath of fleeing abuse which is life long.

It's all relative to the person. I don't smoke anymore which I stopped 10 years ago. I also stopped drinking 19 years ago as it was becoming problematical.

I'm saying that we can't put people reasons for being overweight or indeed underweight in a box.

CBT61 Wed 20-Apr-22 11:46:16

Interesting comments. The purpose of mannequins must be to model the clothes so having a range of sizes surely must be sensible?
I am wondering though if we become more critical with age… my own mother ( aged 86) has been a healthy weight all her life (12/14/16 sizes)and naturally seems to like foods that are good for her- plus sherry and wine in amounts that are maybe not so good!? But over the last decade her appetite has lessened ( she’s probably a size 10/12 now) and she is ultra critical about other people’s sizes, not mincing her words and speaking in very derogatory terms about anyone she considers to be fat. I have no problem with describing someone as they are ( privately) but I am appalled at her judgement of people. To her, carrying extra weight definitely means someone is to be disliked. I myself am obese according to the charts. I don’t like it. I have tried to make changes and I eat healthily and walk 10,000 steps a day but the weight doesn’t shift much… she doesn’t directly comment on my weight but she does by comparison. “Julie is the post lady who is extremely fat- she’s bigger than you!”
Now my mum was always very polite and kind… why is she so judgemental now?

Keffie12 Wed 20-Apr-22 11:48:37

@lisaP I didn't read your post until after I had responded which is my point too above. I totally agree with you, as what I said shows

MissAdventure Wed 20-Apr-22 11:49:09

Has she thought of joining gransnet? smile

Rosalyn69 Wed 20-Apr-22 11:50:00

Against my better judgement I’ll say I don’t want to look at overweight men real or imaginary.