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Christmas Adverts

(168 Posts)
NotTooOld Wed 08-Nov-17 18:22:38

Oh gawd. I really don't want Christmas to start before the first of December. But I'll say no more. grin

MawBroon Wed 08-Nov-17 17:58:33

Not aware of any Bah Humbug comments, GGMk2, perhaps not unqualified admiration but would you expect (or respond) to only that?
Doesn’t exactly encourage discussion hmm

vampirequeen Wed 08-Nov-17 14:36:39

Oh dear, thanks to Phillip and Holly, I'll never be able to watch the M&S one again without immature giggling. They pointed out a word that could be misheard and instead of being innocent it's now got a swear word in it. I've never been able to listen to 'What do you get when you fall in love?' since I saw Peter Kay talking about it. I have to sing along and say the rude bit instead of the real words. I really haven't grown up grin

NanaandGrampy Wed 08-Nov-17 13:29:25

I love the M and S advert , and I’m looking forward to the rest . I certainly got the feel good factor from the M and S one. Yes

GracesGranMK2 Wed 08-Nov-17 12:57:56

I thought the Aldi one was a repeat of last year's. Must watch more closely to see if they have changed it.

Maw I don't get a great feeling reading bah-humbug comments I'm afraid so chose not to comment on them. New technology in films is putting us right at the top of this industry and this sort of advert is a microcosm of what can be achieved, so I find it interesting - and I love Christmas but I appreciate that not everyone does.

annodomini Wed 08-Nov-17 12:49:01

I haven't seen any of them yet and would really prefer not to do so until December. I got a boxer puppy toy last Christmas from certain members of my family who are JL partners. I really liked that advert, as I had a much loved boxer as a child.

MawBroon Wed 08-Nov-17 12:28:05

Well, how lovely to see your post vampirequeen. I look forward to seeing them all just to see just what they can produce

Was it not equally lovely to read the posts from the rest of us GGMk2 ? sad

Lindylo Wed 08-Nov-17 10:54:38

Seen the Argos one last night. The tag line was that youngsters could get on line and get their photo on the next ad. Talk about enticement!

vampirequeen Wed 08-Nov-17 10:11:06

I quite like the Asda one but not so sure about the Aldi carrot.

shysal Wed 08-Nov-17 09:48:12

It is far too early but can't resist watching them, even if only once. I too am awaiting the Debenham's next instalment. I have seen the Aldi one with Kevin the carrot appearing again (see link), didn't think much if it, also hated the Asda one.

GracesGranMK2 Wed 08-Nov-17 09:32:31

Well, how lovely to see your post vampirequeen. I look forward to seeing them all just to see just what they can produce.

vampirequeen Wed 08-Nov-17 09:19:41

Love the M&S one. Looking forward to the Debenhams one because of the teaser.

Humbertbear Wed 08-Nov-17 09:19:08

M n S can advertise all they like but what they need are different buyers.

Chewbacca Wed 08-Nov-17 09:18:52

It's only early November, far too early for me to be registering Christmas ads, good or not.

MawBroon Wed 08-Nov-17 09:18:49

Only seen JL and M&S so far, and the JL one seems like another cunning soft cuddly toy marketing opportunity. Cynical, moi?
Not blown away by either. sad

harrigran Wed 08-Nov-17 09:14:15

M&S must have spent a fortune on theirs, money that would have been better spent researching where they are making mistakes.

BlueBelle Wed 08-Nov-17 05:39:25

Way too early going to be totally bored with them before November is out

GracesGranMK2 Tue 07-Nov-17 23:59:23

I do like the Tesco one but have only seen that and the M & S one so far.