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Online shopping

(27 Posts)
GrannyGravy13 Fri 27-Sep-19 10:15:41

I have used Ocado, Sainsbury's and Waitrose online I always spend less than if I go to the supermarket.

If I get delivered something with a short use/sell by date wherever possible I freeze it immediately (either as it is delivered or cook first)

Daddima Fri 27-Sep-19 09:46:41

Since the Bodach’s Alzheimer’s means we have no car, I decided to try online shopping for non perishables from Sainsbury’s ( other supermarkets are available!) I was pleased with the service, so decided to order some perishables. Now, I don’t pay heed to sell by dates, but everything had dates at least a week away ( cheese was about six weeks away). I’m also saving money, as there’s no impulse buying!
I hope this continues, as I’ve heard of people getting things which were past their best.
Does anyone else use online shopping?