Gransnet forums


Limericks 12

(1001 Posts)
Juliet27 Fri 01-Nov-19 22:33:46

Limericks 10 ended with...

My garden will be full of spent rockets
They’ll need to be collected in buckets
It was fun at the time

Elrel Mon 02-Mar-20 01:01:31

There's always something to moan about
OF that there's absolutely no doubt
Too hot the sun, too wet the rain,

crazyH Mon 02-Mar-20 08:08:18

There's always something to moan about
OF that there's absolutely no doubt
Too hot the sun, too wet the rain,
An ache somewhere or my legs in pain

Jangran99 Mon 02-Mar-20 08:36:16

There's always something to moan about
OF that there's absolutely no doubt
Too wet the rain,
Or my legs in pain
Or I wish I was slim but I'm too stout

Is your cup half full or half empty?

henetha Mon 02-Mar-20 09:28:45

Is your cup half full or half empty?
Half full, of everything I need I've got plenty.

crazyH Mon 02-Mar-20 17:00:44

Is your cup half full or half empty?
Half full, of everything I need I've got plenty.
Depends on your wants

Juliet27 Tue 03-Mar-20 22:42:09

Is your cup half full or half empty?
Half full, of everything I need I've got plenty.
Depends on your wants
Can't afford restaurants

crazyH Tue 03-Mar-20 22:48:50

Is your cup half full or half empty?
Half full, of everything I need I've got plenty.
Depends on your wants
Can't afford restaurants
I'm quite happy at the local Cafe.

I don't need the Ritz to enhance my life

Jangran99 Tue 03-Mar-20 23:12:32

I don't need the Ritz to enhance my life
But what a treat for a busy housewife

Barberdice Tue 03-Mar-20 23:18:39

I don't need the Ritz to enhance my life
But what a treat for a busy housewife
Forget about the dusting

Jangran99 Tue 03-Mar-20 23:26:02

I don't need the Ritz to enhance my life
But what a treat for a busy housewife
Forget about the dusting
For luxury I'm lusting

Juliet27 Wed 04-Mar-20 06:46:17

I don't need the Ritz to enhance my life
But what a treat for a busy housewife
Forget about the dusting
For luxury I'm lusting
I could do with a break from this strife

Make sure you’re not mugged for hand gel!

Barberdice Wed 04-Mar-20 08:21:37

Make sure you're not mugged for hand gel!
Without it what could happen,
pray tell

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 04-Mar-20 09:34:33

Make sure you're not mugged for hand gel!
Without it what could happen, pray tell
But the shops have run out

henetha Wed 04-Mar-20 10:37:25

Make sure you're not mugged for hand gel!
Without it what could happen, pray tell
But the shops have run out
Someone's made money, no doubt

Barberdice Wed 04-Mar-20 20:29:16

Make sure you're not mugged for hand gel!
Without it what could happen, pray tell
But the shops have run out
Someone's made money, no doubt
Keep up the panic and more they can sell!

It's time to stock up on toilet rolls

Juliet27 Wed 04-Mar-20 22:58:02

It's time to stock up on toilet rolls
To be left without - that’s not our goals

crazyH Wed 04-Mar-20 23:01:56

It's time to stock up on toilet rolls
To be left without - that’s not our goals
I'd rather starve

Juliet27 Thu 05-Mar-20 06:57:47

It's time to stock up on toilet rolls
To be left without - that’s not our goals
I'd rather starve
Being oh so suave

crazyH Thu 05-Mar-20 09:57:15

It's time to stock up on toilet rolls
To be left without - that’s not our goals
I'd rather starve
Being oh so suave
Personal hygiene is ingrained in our souls.

This damp weather is causing me gip

henetha Thu 05-Mar-20 10:44:45

This damp weather is causing me gip
With pains in my knees and my hip

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 05-Mar-20 13:46:27

This damp weather is causing me gip
With pains in my knees and my hip
"Ouch," I sigh

crazyH Thu 05-Mar-20 14:31:15

This damp weather is causing me gip
With pains in my knees and my hip
"Ouch," I sigh
Deep Heat I must buy

Juliet27 Thu 05-Mar-20 16:15:38

This damp weather is causing me gip
With pains in my knees and my hip
"Ouch," I sigh
Deep Heat I must buy
I mourn for the days I could skip

If I was a bird I’d give nesting a miss

Grany Thu 05-Mar-20 16:44:17

If I was a bird I’d give nesting a miss
And drink a bottle of fizz

Jangran99 Thu 05-Mar-20 22:30:40

If I was a bird I’d give nesting a miss
There's much to be said for single bliss

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