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Versatile Verse 2

(1001 Posts)
Pantglas2 Sat 25-Jan-20 07:07:53

He’ll fuss and scowl and ask him his intentions
He likes to follow old fashioned conventions

I know he’d not approve of my salacious behaviour

henetha Sun 05-Jul-20 10:57:54

Then we are all awake again and there's another day of fun,
More games and stories and I'm worn out by 1

I'm hoping they'll have an afternoon nap

Puzzler61 Sun 05-Jul-20 17:25:40

I’m hoping they’ll have an afternoon nap
Without it my energy will no doubt sap

Our barbecue will be lit at the stroke of six

henetha Mon 06-Jul-20 11:17:26

Our barbecue will be lit at the stroke of six
Sausages and burgers, what a tasty mix,

Must cook them properly to avoid a dodgy tummy

Puzzler61 Mon 06-Jul-20 16:13:32

Must cook them properly to avoid a dodgy tummy
I’ve a pack of cards for the adults to play gin rummy

There’s a cricket bat and stumps for the children to play

Tickledpink Mon 06-Jul-20 16:26:40

There’s a cricket bat and stumps for the children to play
A long old rope swing and a big bale of hay

They will be plenty of things for the children to do

threexnanny Mon 06-Jul-20 17:23:17

There will be plenty of things for the children to do
I hope I've enough energy to join in too

A few songs around a camp fire would be lovely

henetha Tue 07-Jul-20 11:09:28

A few songs around a camp fire would be lovely
With family and friends and the stars above me.

It's the simple things which make us feel good

FarNorth Tue 07-Jul-20 13:48:40

It's the simple things which make us feel good
Friends and chat and lots of food

With weather so balmy

Puzzler61 Tue 07-Jul-20 13:48:49

It’s the simple things which make us feel good,
Anyone up for Hide and Seek in the Wood?

Everyone I notice has smiles on their faces

Pantglas2 Tue 07-Jul-20 18:28:57

Everyone I notice has smiles on their faces
Having fun, kicking over the traces

We need to feel a certain thrill

FarNorth Tue 07-Jul-20 19:42:55

We need to feel a certain thrill
Giving freedom from the usual drill

Bungee jumping, here I come

henetha Wed 08-Jul-20 10:47:01

Bungee jumping, here I come
Wheee, it's great, hello Mum!

I hope the elastic doesn't break

Puzzler61 Wed 08-Jul-20 16:44:58

I hope the elastic doesn’t break
The smile on my face - yes it’s fake

I feel myself quivering from head to toe

FarNorth Wed 08-Jul-20 20:55:53

I feel myself quivering from head to toe
I just spotted my dreamboat, Joe.

As smiles wreathe my face

Tickledpink Wed 08-Jul-20 23:01:25

As smiles wreathe my face
I'm getting ready for the embrace

Me and Joe in the long grass

Pantglas2 Thu 09-Jul-20 17:03:32

Me and Joe in the long grass
Who knew I’d be that sort of lass?

Grabbing some afternoon delight!

threexnanny Thu 09-Jul-20 20:54:03

Grabbing some afternoon delight!
If he kisses me I won't fight

But if he takes it further will I mind?

Puzzler61 Fri 10-Jul-20 07:00:41

But if he takes it further will I mind?
Or should I tell him I’m not that kind?

I want to be a virgin when I marry

henetha Sat 11-Jul-20 10:17:01

I want to be a virgin when I marry
And not just to any old Tom, Dick or Harry

Puzzler61 Sat 11-Jul-20 10:28:13

henetha are you going to add another line? ?

Puzzler61 Sat 11-Jul-20 13:48:09

I’ll do one if you don’t mind?

I quite fancy having a double-barrelled name

henetha Sun 12-Jul-20 11:32:50

Oh, I'm sorry! Had a senior moment!

I quite fancy having a double-barrelled name
So I'll get upgraded when flying in a plane

And the pilot himself might welcome me

FarNorth Sun 12-Jul-20 12:08:07

And the pilot himself might welcome me
Straight into the cabin for a good look-see

As we soar through the clouds

Puzzler61 Sun 12-Jul-20 20:10:18

As we soar through the clouds
We’re being watched by crowds

They are craning their necks

threexnanny Sun 12-Jul-20 20:29:31

They are craning their necks
Some of the men displaying their pecs

Lots of the women in revealing tops

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