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Versatile Verse 2

(1001 Posts)
Pantglas2 Sat 25-Jan-20 07:07:53

He’ll fuss and scowl and ask him his intentions
He likes to follow old fashioned conventions

I know he’d not approve of my salacious behaviour

henetha Mon 22-Jun-20 09:37:13

He loved children and endless long walks
In fact he loved everything except my long talks,

He curled up with me on my bed every night

Puzzler61 Mon 22-Jun-20 10:04:26

He curled up with me on my bed every night
The duvet was very hairy, not a clean patch in sight

It mattered not, such a good companion was he

Pantglas2 Mon 22-Jun-20 21:51:06

It mattered not, such a good companion was he
Really rather dominant if not bossy

There’s a lot to be said for a good pedigree

threexnanny Mon 22-Jun-20 21:58:45

There's a lot to be said for a good pedigree
It needs to be house trained as I don't like the smell of pee

A guard dog would be useful, but I like a sweet nature

52bright Mon 22-Jun-20 23:42:43

A guard dog would be useful, but I like a sweet nature
my dear dog had that but would also protect me from danger

She was fit as a fiddle and lived to sixteen

henetha Tue 23-Jun-20 09:50:57

She was fit as a fiddle and lived to sixteen
Everyone loved her, even the Queen.

The Queen is a dog person, as we all know

Puzzler61 Tue 23-Jun-20 18:26:21

The Queen is a dog person, as we all know,
She’s often to be seen with her Corgi’s in toe.

She also is known as a fine horse rider

52bright Tue 23-Jun-20 23:24:36

She also is known as a fine horse rider
she often rides out with a groom for a minder

She's doing that at Windsor even though she's past ninety

Puzzler61 Wed 24-Jun-20 06:51:25

*tow not toe!

Puzzler61 Wed 24-Jun-20 06:54:27

She’s doing that at Windsor even though she’s past ninety
The Head groom chose a horse that is not at all flighty

With a heave-ho she is up in the saddle

Pantglas2 Wed 24-Jun-20 13:57:13

With a heave-ho she is up in the saddle
A smaller mount she now has to straddle

But I shouldn’t think she’d got for a gallop

Puzzler61 Wed 24-Jun-20 19:52:09

But I shouldn’t think she’d go for a gallop
Unless accidentally she gave the gee-gee a wallop

A dignified trot is what Queen Lizzie would desire

Tickledpink Wed 24-Jun-20 20:36:57

A dignified trot is what Queen Lizzie would desire
Nothing too energetic in all that attire

Our majesty looking splendid as usual

henetha Thu 25-Jun-20 11:39:26

Our majesty looking splendid as usual
Even when she's feeling un-amusial

I'm sorry for that terrible rhyme

Pantglas2 Thu 25-Jun-20 15:06:53

I’m sorry for that terrible rhyme
We all use em Henetha from time to time!

Let’s see what you Oders can do with this sentence

threexnanny Thu 25-Jun-20 21:47:48

Let 's see what you Oders can do with this sentence
When all else fails there is always pretense

A little fairy story helps things along

henetha Fri 26-Jun-20 10:54:56

A little fairy story helps things along
Making me happy, humming a little song

So tra la la, here's to a happy day for all

Puzzler61 Sat 27-Jun-20 08:06:11

So tra la la, here’s to a happy day for all
It’s the weekend, I’ll wait for the family to call

I’ll listen with interest to the events of their week

henetha Sat 27-Jun-20 11:12:37

I’ll listen with interest to the events of their week
And try to get a word in, if they'll let me speak.

But to see or hear them warms my heart for days

Pantglas2 Sat 27-Jun-20 15:30:49

But to see or hear them warms my hear for days
Family chatter and glee and funny little ways

I’m twisted around their little fingers

henetha Sun 28-Jun-20 09:53:10

I’m twisted around their little fingers
And when they've gone the magic lingers

I just can't wait to hold them tight

henetha Wed 01-Jul-20 11:24:37

I just can't wait to hold them tight
And hope that soon they can stay the night

So I can tuck them up in bed

Puzzler61 Sat 04-Jul-20 13:45:16

So I can tuck them up in bed
After a bedtime story has been read

I’ll tiptoe out and turn off the light

Pantglas2 Sat 04-Jul-20 17:44:35

I’ll tiptoe out and turn off the light
Hopefully they’ll sleep all night

They usually wake with the dawn chorus

threexnanny Sat 04-Jul-20 19:54:21

They usually wake with the dawn chorus
The local birds can make quite a raucous

Then we are all awake again and there's another day of fun

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