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Limericks 15

(1001 Posts)
Jangran99 Wed 01-Jul-20 09:39:57

Carrying on from

My garden was glad of the rain
Me too, 'cos watering's such a pain
The lawn is all soggy
Squelch and boggy

May7 Tue 04-Aug-20 18:36:34

The morning sun was shining bright

crazyH Tue 04-Aug-20 18:53:06

The morning sun was shining bright
Went for a walk in the morning light

Annum Tue 04-Aug-20 23:03:41

The morning sun was shining bright
Went for a walk in the morning lighT
Bumped into my ex

Squiffy Tue 04-Aug-20 23:38:02

The morning sun was shining bright
Went for a walk in the morning lighT
Bumped into my ex
As I did a text

crazyH Wed 05-Aug-20 00:03:40

The morning sun was shining bright
Went for a walk in the morning lighT
Bumped into my ex
As I did a text
He said "good Lord, you look a sight!!!"

My blood, it did begin to boil

Elrel Wed 05-Aug-20 00:22:44

My blood, it did begin to boil
It’s blue because I’m really royal

crazyH Wed 05-Aug-20 00:33:52

My blood, it did begin to boil
It’s blue because I’m really royal
I'm too good for him

Juliet27 Wed 05-Aug-20 07:29:27

My blood, it did begin to boil
It’s blue because I’m really royal
I'm too good for him
Married on a whim

henetha Wed 05-Aug-20 10:47:16

My blood, it did begin to boil
It’s blue because I’m really royal
I'm too good for him
Married on a whim
He's never done an honest day's toil.

In fact, he spent six years in jail

Squiffy Wed 05-Aug-20 11:00:28

In fact, he spent six years in jail
Without any option of bail

Jangran99 Wed 05-Aug-20 11:03:52

In fact, he spent six years in jail
Without any option of bail
But now that he's free

libra10 Wed 05-Aug-20 11:10:28

In fact, he spent six years in jail
Without any option of bail
But now that he's free
He will have to agree

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 05-Aug-20 11:47:28

In fact, he spent six years in jail
Without any option of bail
But now that he's free
He will have to agree
His behaviour was beyond the pale.

Each day he reports to probation

Squiffy Wed 05-Aug-20 11:51:24

Each day he reports to probation
He attends with much trepidation

Annum Wed 05-Aug-20 16:21:23

Each day he reports to probation
He attends with much trepidation
They question him hard

Elrel Wed 05-Aug-20 16:51:59

Each day he reports to probation
He attends with much trepidation
They question him hard
But he thinks he’s a card

Squiffy Wed 05-Aug-20 17:05:37

Each day he reports to probation
He attends with much trepidation
They question him hard
But he thinks he’s a card
The Crim King of our great nation.

My word, how he longed to escape

crazyH Wed 05-Aug-20 17:38:33

My word, how he longed to escape
He got 'time' for assault and rape

Annum Wed 05-Aug-20 23:39:50

My word, how he longed to escape
He got 'time' for assault and rape
The charges were phoney

Juliet27 Thu 06-Aug-20 07:41:00

My word, how he longed to escape
He got 'time' for assault and rape
The charges were phoney
A load of baloney

henetha Thu 06-Aug-20 10:39:27

My word, how he longed to escape
He got 'time' for assault and rape
The charges were phoney
A load of baloney
And mixed up with a lot of red tape.

So he decided to launch an Appeal

Squiffy Thu 06-Aug-20 10:52:14

So he decided to launch an Appeal
Claiming the charges were not real

Annum Thu 06-Aug-20 13:26:58

So he decided to launch an Appeal
Claiming the charges were not real
The case was dismissed

crazyH Thu 06-Aug-20 15:25:57

So he decided to launch an Appeal
Claiming the charges were not real
The case was dismissed
His character dissed

Annum Thu 06-Aug-20 15:33:38

So he decided to launch an Appeal
Claiming the charges were not real
The case was dismissed
His character dissed
He was jolly hard done by, I feel!

He’s now off to live in Japan

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