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Limericks 17

(1001 Posts)
Juliet27 Tue 20-Oct-20 08:12:20

Always sure to do a good turn
Though not having money to burn
A favour for free

Juliet27 Sat 24-Oct-20 11:03:02

I wish that I could hibernate
I’d wake up when they vaccinate

crazyH Sat 24-Oct-20 11:08:26

I wish that I could hibernate
I’d wake up when they vaccinate
Avoiding contact

Juliet27 Sat 24-Oct-20 16:01:04

I wish that I could hibernate
I’d wake up when they vaccinate
Avoiding contact
So I stay intact

Jangran99 Sat 24-Oct-20 19:42:01

I wish that I could hibernate
I’d wake up when they vaccinate
Avoiding contact
So I stay intact
Asleep I won’t be gaining weight

Each cloud has a silver lining

crazyH Sat 24-Oct-20 20:50:35

Each cloud has a silver lining
No point in excessive whining

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 25-Oct-20 07:23:31

Each cloud has a silver lining
No point in excessive whining
So cheer up my lass

henetha Sun 25-Oct-20 10:19:06

Each cloud has a silver lining
No point in excessive whining
So cheer up my lass
This sad time will pass

crazyH Sun 25-Oct-20 10:24:58

Each cloud has a silver lining
No point in excessive whining
So cheer up my lass
This sad time will pass
Just drink lots of cups of Twining

The sun is peeping through the clouds

Jangran99 Sun 25-Oct-20 22:17:56

The sun is peeping through the clouds
But distant hills the rain enshrouds

crazyH Sun 25-Oct-20 23:57:24

The sun is peeping through the clouds
But distant hills the rain enshrouds
Soon it sweeps over

lovebeigecardigans1955 Mon 26-Oct-20 12:13:16

The sun is peeping through the clouds
But distant hills the rain enshrouds
Soon it sweeps over
We'll be in clover

crazyH Mon 26-Oct-20 13:20:21

The sun is peeping through the clouds
But distant hills the rain enshrouds
Soon it sweeps over
We'll be in clover
At least we can avoid the crowds

My husband, he was a weasel

JackyB Mon 26-Oct-20 15:01:50

My husband, he was a weasel
He drove a car fuelled by diesel

crazyH Mon 26-Oct-20 16:36:03

My husband, he was a weasel
He drove a car fuelled by diesel
He thought it was 'cool'

Jangran99 Mon 26-Oct-20 19:45:19

My husband, he was a weasel
He drove a car fuelled by diesel
He thought it was 'cool'
To break every rule

crazyH Mon 26-Oct-20 21:14:44

My husband, he was a weasel
He drove a car fuelled by diesel
He thought it was 'cool'
To break every rule
Was charged for climbing the steeple

"All I want, is help to come down"

Juliet27 Mon 26-Oct-20 22:36:17

“All I want, is help to come down"
You’ll stay there for acting the clown

crazyH Mon 26-Oct-20 22:59:57

All I want, is help to come down"
You’ll stay there for acting the clown
Lessons must be learnt

Juliet27 Tue 27-Oct-20 06:34:34

All I want, is help to come down"
You’ll stay there for acting the clown
Lessons must be learnt
Respect must be earnt

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 27-Oct-20 09:44:13

"All I want is help to come down"
You'll stay there for acting the clown
Lessons must be learnt
Respect must be earnt
These shenanigans make us frown.

This old hipster went to The Hague

henetha Tue 27-Oct-20 11:09:48

This old hipster went to The Hague
Hoping to avoid this terrible plague

crazyH Tue 27-Oct-20 11:26:52

This old hipster went to The Hague
Hoping to avoid this terrible plague
It all went pear shape

crazyH Tue 27-Oct-20 11:28:29

This old hipster went to The Hague
Hoping to avoid this terrible plague
It all went pear shaped

Juliet27 Tue 27-Oct-20 21:45:12

This old hipster went to The Hague
Hoping to avoid this terrible plague
It all went pear shaped
He thought he’d escaped

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 28-Oct-20 10:12:18

This old hipster went to The Hague
Hoping to avoid this terrible plague
It all went pear shaped
He thought he'd escaped
But sadly the rules are so vague.

A rotten con man from Tampa

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