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(4 Posts)
SalJB Thu 05-May-11 13:40:54

Am to be 1st time grannie soon. Any advice on best cot/bed to buy my daughter for baby?

GrannyBusy Thu 05-May-11 14:30:01

Congrats on impending arrival.

Cotbeds can be a good investment if you think she won't have number 2 too quickly

upsydaisy Mon 09-May-11 23:27:52

Oooh how exciting, its great being a granny bet you're so excited. The one thing I would say on cots is to watch out for Ikea. They seem to do funny sizes so you might struggle getting a mattress to fit an Ikea cot from anywhere other than Ikea. My daughters cot was bought for her off Ebay second-hand and I bought her a new mattress from Boots, which seems good quality. I then bought a second-hand cot-bed locally for my house as we have grandson to stay over once a week. My daughter seems to like our cot-bed more than her cot and I must admit now he's 1 years old, he does seem to have much more room in our cot.

Do go for a drop-side. Mine isn't, but luckily because my grandson is really taking his time at moving around we can still have the mattress set pretty high up. At first he was sleeping in a travel cot and it is back breaking leaning over a cot trying to get a baby to settle, especially one who thinks sleep is for the weak. wink

HildaW Wed 11-May-11 21:56:43

John Lewis might seem pricy but their basic range is very good and not expensive. Also the comment about cot beds is true....if another one comes along and baby is still in the thing you are stuck. Also those extra small first beds are a bit of a waste of time because there are plenty of ways of making an ordinary single bed perfectly safe and you dont end up with lots of different sized bedding.