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At A Loss

(52 Posts)
GrandmaFaye Sun 27-Jan-19 20:20:30

I need advice. My son’s wife has left him and from what I understand he asked her to leave.

She has taken both my grandkids with her.

Knowing that my son is mostly in the wrong I still don’t like hearing him belittled.

She is constantly calling me or texting me talking so ugly about my son and wants to know why I am not doing anything.

I have always tried to stay out of their marital business because I believe that is the best thing to do. I have told her repeatedly that they will have to work their issues out and I don’t want to get in the middle and choose sides.

She doesn’t stop. She continues to belittle my son to me.

Any advice on how to handle this ?

GrandmaFaye Thu 31-Jan-19 20:13:17

From what I understand they have worked it out between them they they each have the kids every other night and every other weekend. This may be a fair way of doing it for them but it seems like a lot of back and forth for the kids to me.

My heart is just broken for the kids.

Time will tell what transpires from all of this