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Nana or granny?

(179 Posts)
Sophiasnana Mon 15-Apr-19 23:51:42

I have just read an article in Good Housekeeping magazine about a woman who has just become a grandmother for the first time and is horrified at the thought of being called granny, grandma, nana or any other such name. She wants to be known as ‘wow’. I am utterly at a loss to understand her reasoning! For me, the best thing in the world is to hear my beloved grandchildren, aged 9,8,6 and 3, call me nana! What does everyone else think?

Missfoodlove Sun 08-Mar-20 09:33:29

I am Teeta and my husband is Giddu.
This is the Arabic for Grandma and Granddad, I tried to explain to my granddaughter that I was a Grandma, she said “don’t be silly you’re a Teeta”

Grandmaof2 Sun 08-Mar-20 09:42:23

I was automatically called Grandma when my DGD was born. I wasnt sure of it at first as always thought I would be Nanny. As time went on I liked being called Grandma. As she got older she calls me Grandma Earth and her other Grandma sky when talking about each one. I'm earth as i live here, her other Grandma lives in Trinidad so goes up in the sky when travelling back and forth, My newest DGD will be calling me Grandma too. My Mum is known as Nanny to them

rafichagran Sun 08-Mar-20 09:47:36

I am Gran, love it, it really gives me a lovely feeling when the Grandchildren say it.