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Nana or granny?

(178 Posts)
Rowantree Tue 16-Apr-19 00:02:43

Personally I don't want to be 'nana' but I do like Grandma. DGD used to call me 'Na'Wise' when she was a toddler (short for Nanny Wise because of a nickname ) which amused me. Now it's Grandma. DGS calls me Grandma. When he was tiny I used to love hearing him call to me sleepily when I'd put him in his cot at night....'Gam-ma!' in his dear little voice.
However...I did tell my DDs that, though I preferred not to be Nana, they could call me anything that felt natural to them.

Chewbacca Mon 15-Apr-19 23:59:25

When I was told that our first GC was on the way, I was asked what I wanted to be called; Grandma, Nana or Granny? I said then that the GC would find their own name for me in time. And they did. So I'm officially "GRANNEEEE"! Always said either with exasperation or excitement! grin

Sophiasnana Mon 15-Apr-19 23:51:42

I have just read an article in Good Housekeeping magazine about a woman who has just become a grandmother for the first time and is horrified at the thought of being called granny, grandma, nana or any other such name. She wants to be known as ‘wow’. I am utterly at a loss to understand her reasoning! For me, the best thing in the world is to hear my beloved grandchildren, aged 9,8,6 and 3, call me nana! What does everyone else think?