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Just damn rude, patronising consultant surgeon experience

(29 Posts)
jellybeanjean Mon 12-Oct-15 17:49:59

I am so angry I could spit. I had an appt this morning at a fairly local hospital to see a consultant re ongoing bowel problems. He burst into the room where I was waiting, I dropped my bag because he startled me, I apologised (why?), he asked me why I apologised, I stammered and stuttered and went very red. He didn't introduce himself, and in the course of the consultation called me sweetie, darling and poppet. I'm not having it. There WILL be an official complaint. For heaven's sake, I'm a grown woman, not a baby. SO ANGRY!

LuckyDucky Mon 26-Oct-15 20:01:11

How unprofessional jellyb : Remember all consultants and docs use the lavatory. Think of that when next dealing with one. Works for me.

A few years ago, I walked into a consultant's office to find another man with him. I was introduced to his friend - who had no medical training at all. He asked if I'd mind his friend watching?angry

I stood up, they was sitting, grin this gave me a huge advantage. Found out before I left the hospital it was a nasty habit of his, metered out to NGHS patients.

jellyb I believe you lost ground when you stammered. Don't mean it's your fault, definitely is not. He totally misread the signs, hence his obnoxious behaviour.

We are animals, when said and done. Don't let him or his ilk pee on your parade grin

LuckyDucky Mon 26-Oct-15 20:02:33

Meant*NHS*. No idea where the G came from? Doh

etheltbags1 Wed 28-Oct-15 19:54:37

I must say all the consultants Ive seen have been lovely, kind and courteous despite being so busy, however I saw an anaesthetist who was arrogant and impatient, I have a phobia of hospitals and anaesthetic in particular so I was asking questions about what they were doing, it tuned out to be a simple biopsy to rule out that my cancer had not spread.
After several questions, He asked me 'if you were going on holiday, would you ask the pilot to explain his job'. I took that to mean 'mind your own business'. He went off to see the surgeon as they were unsure if I was well enough to have the procedure done as I had a cold, he said he would be 'right back' . After waiting an hour I walked out, telling the ward sister what an unpleasant man he was. She explained that he was brilliant at his job but not noted for being friendly.
I had the procedure done 2 weeks later and got the ok today. I had the procedure done by two really nice anaesthetists who never tired of answering questions, one of them came to see me after she had gone off duty before going home to ask if I was ok and to reassure me. Hope I don't see the other one again