Gransnet forums


Burning Mouth Syndrome

(78 Posts)
tiffaney Thu 01-Nov-18 06:58:41

Anyone suffer from this? I'd appreciate any advice on how to cope with it, thanks.

TikkA Fri 13-Aug-21 08:41:17

In early June 2021 I started to experience burning mouth syndrome with all the symptoms described on this forum, ie metallic taste ,blood taste, loss of food taste , food hurting all of my mouth including tongue , loss of appetite .
After visiting my GP it was decided to reduce my blood pressure medication for a trial period which proved to be unsuccessful. Blood tests showed nothing negative so no answer found.
I then visited my dentist with zero success who referred me to a pain specialist, same results.
After reading information online I discovered that oat milk which I had switched to can cause mouth irritation so I discontinued it’s use and returned to dairy products.
After two weeks almost all symptoms have disappeared which leads me to think it wasn’t the presence of oat milk was the problem but instead the absence of dairy products ( B12 ) which blood testing didn’t pick up or probably weren’t looking for.
It’s worth remembering that I had reduced
dairy intake by probably 90 to 95% .
This in my opinion is what caused y problem.


Elizabeth1 Sat 14-Aug-21 08:00:58

I had a burning mouth years ago and found out it was as a result of eating nuts. Once I stopped eating nuts it went away. Perhaps you should research what foodstuffs would give you this condition - it may work for you - all the best hope it goes away soon so that you can get back to enjoying your food again lots of good wishes flowers