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Another kidney infection

(28 Posts)
Sallywally1 Thu 21-Nov-19 11:33:35

Am just recovering from yet another horrendous kidney infection with fevers, severe back pain, pain on urinatin. I was in bed for four days and could not go to work it follows on from one back in the summer which never really went away I had low level cystitis for sever months despite prophylactic antibiotics.

I am now terrified of what might happen next. Is there anything I can do to help myself. I have my reduced to alcohol use to 14 units as recommended, drink pints of waster and try to eat healthily. I should exercise more, but with a full time job this is difficult.

Any ideas?

Missfoodlove Thu 21-Nov-19 13:34:23
I suffered terribly and have only 1 kidney that functions fully.
I am totally free of all cystitis and infections no antibiotics for a year.
I take a high dose if I feel an infection and a maintenance dose each day.

EllanVannin Thu 21-Nov-19 13:44:05

Too much water can also damage the kidneys as it can dilute the sodium in the system which can lead to more problems.
It's best not to drink alcohol at this stage and also reduce the quantity of red meat.

Sallywally1 Thu 21-Nov-19 13:58:04

Yes I have been trying the D.mannose since the last infection in the summer, but it has not seemed to help. As for diet I do not drink alcohol whilst I’ll and the 14 units quoted are drunk when well after a long working week, over a weekend. I had not actually eaten anything at all since Sunday but today managed a boiled egg! My post was really about how to prevent it happening Again. I am 64 and do not get my state pension till 66 so need to carry on, but am terrified I might be deemed not fit to carry on if I take any more time off sick (and this after a working life of taking minimal time off).

Yehbutnobut Thu 21-Nov-19 14:04:03

Try giving up alcohol for a month and see if that helps.

Chestnut Thu 21-Nov-19 14:08:49

There is thread here about urine infections which may have some helpful information already posted:

Humbertbear Thu 21-Nov-19 15:47:14

Have you had an ultrasound to make sure your kidneys are clear?

Sallywally1 Thu 21-Nov-19 15:52:44

Update: I rang the doctors to find out the result of my urine specimen. It made me want to howl with disbelief and I. Fact I was crying in the phone and I don’t usually cry over anything. The result was clear with no action needed. How can this be? I have felt so ill and the antibiotics worked so there must have been infection, or am I missing something. I can’t go on like this

Chestnut Fri 22-Nov-19 13:33:19

So sorry to hear of your frustration. If you are not happy with your treatment then keep howling at them. Or pay for a private consultation. As we know, the NHS is sometimes brilliant and sometimes a dismal failure. A private consultation may give you more information.
You can test your own urine as often as you like with these urine strips which can be purchased on Amazon. They would at least tell you if there is something wrong with the urine and you can test as often as you like.

Daisymae Fri 22-Nov-19 13:47:05

Repeated infections are so difficult to live with. You could think about going back to the GP and asking for referral to see a consultant. The first thing they will likely do is to prescribe 6 weeks of antibiotics, that alone might help. Don't suffer in silence. You probably need to cut out the alcohol for the time being too. Drink cranberry juice, some people find that it helps.

Sallywally1 Fri 22-Nov-19 14:52:29

Thanks for the replies. Still feel horrible, lethargic with no appetite. I have an appointment with the GP on Friday when I will request a referral. I think now that there must be something sinister wrong with me. It cannot be possible to have antibiotics for a presumed infection made me bed bound for four days, during which I could not eat and felt as if I was on deaths door for their not to be. If there was not infection what is wrong? Cancer? I am not usually a worrier like this, I work for the NHS in admin and am reasonably well informed for a lay person. Will see. Thanks PS for those suggesting no alcohol, nothing is further from my mind at the moment!

Greeneyedgirl Fri 22-Nov-19 15:25:59

Sallywally1. Try not to worry. I had attacks of cystitis for years, often showing clear urine tests. Kidney and bladder investigations were normal, and I was in despair. Then an article in the Guardian saved my life. I would urge you to read this and go to your GP with it. Guardian 12/1218. "test often fails to detect infection".

Another article 20/2/19 from Guardian "In pain all the time will there ever be a cure for chronic life changing UTIs".
Sorry I can't do links.

Armed with these articles I persuaded my GP to refer me to a relevant urologist, not local, and am now having proper treatment. There are other "broth urine culture tests" which are more accurate, but available only in private clinics I think.

PM me if you want more info.

Good luck!

Chestnut Fri 22-Nov-19 17:56:27

Here is the link to the Guardian article:

Here is a link to a site mentioned in the article:
You will find an information sheet you can print to take to your next appointment! 'Chronic UTI information sheet for GPs'.

Chestnut Fri 22-Nov-19 17:59:34

It seems they have found you need to have antibiotics for about a year (not short term!) because the bacteria burrow into the lining of the bladder and can be dormant for nine months. These are called biofilms. Therefore short term treatment with antibiotics will never clear up the problem.

MamaCaz Fri 22-Nov-19 18:39:11

Thank you for the references and links above.

As someone who has suddenly, in the last six months, started getting repeated UTIs, I found it very interesting.
My own tests have all come back from the lab as either clear or 'inconclusive', so I can really relate to the article.

I'm currently waiting for the results of my latest infection back from the lab (second test in a week, with the first coming back as clear!) It wouldn't surprise me if this one is inconclusive, though the quick test done by the nurse flagged up all sorts this time, which at least meant I was given antibiotics, which do seem to do the job temporarily. (A week earlier, neither the nurse's test nor the lab test showed anything, so I wasn't given anything, and boy did I suffer on and off over the next six days!)

It's only been six months, but I'm already starting to feel that I know more about this problem than the professionals!

Greeneyedgirl Fri 22-Nov-19 18:51:14

Thank you Chestnut.

Tangerine Fri 22-Nov-19 18:54:50

Kidney stones possibly? Try fresh lemon juice with hot water plus lots of actual drinking water throughout the day.

I hope you are better soon.

Greeneyedgirl Fri 22-Nov-19 19:25:39

Tangerine I think kidney stones usually present with severe colicky pain, not the symptoms the OP describes. Pain is usually so severe that Pethidine is given. Lemon juice wouldn't help!

nanaK54 Fri 22-Nov-19 19:35:20

Sallywally1 have you tried cutting out all caffeine?

Tangerine Fri 22-Nov-19 19:37:00

Greeneyedgirl - sorry, I just wondered if it might be kidney stones.

I knew about the colicky pain for kidney stones but not what other symptoms might be present.

Missfoodlove Fri 22-Nov-19 19:44:31

Kidney stones can cause E. coli infection.
It is very probable they could be the root of the problem.

Hetty58 Fri 22-Nov-19 19:46:37

I would go to my GP for a physical exam to rule out a partial prolapse, especially if you are post-menopausal. Then, I'd ask to be referred to a specialist. In the meantime, make a diary of all your symptoms as 'evidence' that you need further investigations and treatment. You shouldn't have to suffer like this!

Sallywally1 Fri 22-Nov-19 21:43:24

Thanks everyone. I had read about bio films from my sickbed this week, searching as I am for information. So sorry for others who are suffering too. I think my most frightening symptom apart from all the pain was the severe shivering and shakes. I just want an answer. I drink very little caffeine nowadays but do drink gallons of water.

I am also worried about my job, which hitherto has been relatively secure. I am going down to three days next year as I can get my NHS pension as a back up to my wages. Could they sack me for being off sick? All my working life I have gone into work feeling ghastly with things like colds and have taken very little sick leave. Without sounding like a grumpy, younger people do not seem to have these values. Thanks again, I appreciate it. GransNet ladies are so helpful and kind!

EllanVannin Fri 22-Nov-19 21:49:40

Potassium citrate---get the chemist to mix a bottle.

aggie Fri 22-Nov-19 21:51:21

I cut out caffienne completely and have not had an infection since , still careful to watch that I drink enough though