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Plantar fasciitis

(52 Posts)
1Appleby Mon 27-Apr-20 09:10:35

Good morning
I’ve been suffering with plantar fasciitis since just before lockdown in just one foot, the right.
Has anyone had this problem? I’ve looked online for how to treat it. I can see that shoes with good support to the heel would help. I do a lot of walking but I find that at the end of our hourly session my foot is very painful and also when I get out of bed in the morning.
Any advice would be appreciated.

WW010 Tue 26-Jan-21 22:50:06

I had this for a year. Tried everything and nothing worked. Was considering surgery when I found a new physio. She filmed me walking and showed me I was walking ‘from the knees’ instead of from the hips. It puts pressure on your knees, through your shin ligaments and under your foot arch. Once you lift to your hips it feels so different. It’s like walking on air (exaggeration ?). She also showed me to sit on a chair with feet parallel and make a fist between my knees. Then to roll each foot side to side without moving knees. It’s not easy! Within two weeks I was cured. It’s hard to get into the habit of walking properly but once you have it becomes natural. If ever I feel a twinge in my foot I remind myself to pull up and walk properly! Hope it helps.