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Broken Tooth

(78 Posts)
avitorl Mon 04-Jan-21 21:07:20

One of my back teeth has just cracked and about half of it has broken off.
I haven't seen my Dentist since Covid began but this is really worrying me now. Can anyone give me any idea if this tooth is likely to become painful? Also is it possible I will be able to see a Dentist any time soon?

Tooyoungytobeagrandma Fri 08-Jan-21 20:18:51

If any consolation broke one of mine quite badly during first lockdown. As no pain not an emergency still not hot to dentist. If it becomes painful I'll contact them but for now happy to let them deal with emergencies and keep away from anywhere I don't really need to be.

sydneynb Sun 17-Jan-21 13:44:44

I would not recommend the comment above involving buying a tooth repair kit as there are chances of hurting your gums and teeth. If it has been a while after your tooth has been broken, I suggest you visit your dentist ASAP. I can assure you there are many open at this time. I recently had an appointment with my dentist: as I had a remaining session of a root canal.
I would recommend that you visit the dentist early as there are chances of your tooth to get infected.