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Crikey. They really hate Farage now.

(173 Posts)
jinglbellsfrocks Tue 28-Jun-16 16:28:06

at the EU today

varian Tue 28-Jun-16 19:13:01

The BBC have relentlessly promoted Farage for years. He must have been on Question Time more than all the other MEPs put together.

GillT57 Tue 28-Jun-16 19:15:02

He stood in Thanet at the last election, assuming that a constituency with a disaffected mainly blue collar electorate, port town, lots of scare stories about the wave of illegal immigrants just a lorry ride away.......and he still didnt get in. Mind you, I do agree that he can talk a good talk and I have sometimes found myself agreeing with a little bit of what he says...then I slap myself and remind myself of what he stands for.

Tegan Tue 28-Jun-16 19:15:47

Horrified to hear of the death threats that Pat Glass has had. Was so impressed by how passionately she spoke about being on the shadow cabinet.

MaizieD Tue 28-Jun-16 19:36:36

I hope Pat Glass hasn't changed her mind and resigned as of now. She did say she wouldn't stand again at the next election. Has that changed? (I've just sent her an email via 38Degrees about the Land Registry debate this Thursday)

Where did you hear of the death threats, Tegan?

Anniebach Tue 28-Jun-16 19:39:05

The applause for Farage was from the UKIP member of the EU. I note he said he led the campaign to leave

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 28-Jun-16 22:17:45

And Le Pen.

Indinana Tue 28-Jun-16 22:30:04

He's an obnoxious cretin, but unfortunately he does know how to talk the talk. And there are many people who will fall for it.
I just wish to God he could keep those bloody great elasticated lips under control - he looks like some sort of freak at a circus.

felice Tue 28-Jun-16 22:33:41

They were probably applauding the fact that he bothered to turn up for the session, he does not attend as a protest against the EU.
He is on the Fisheries committee representing the UK and has only attended 2 sessions.
He is very popular in the pubs around the EU district, good at spending the taxpayers money.

Tegan Tue 28-Jun-16 23:01:21

It was on the news Maizie.I don't know which one, I'm channel hopping all the time.

Gracesgran Tue 28-Jun-16 23:05:20

Does anyone else think he may have been bullied at school and this is his revenge or has seeing him crowing in Brussels finally made me loose the plot?

daphnedill Tue 28-Jun-16 23:13:10

It's more likely he was the bully.

grannyqueenie Tue 28-Jun-16 23:19:02

As others have said, please don't send him up north!

durhamjen Tue 28-Jun-16 23:39:51

Maizie, it was on the local BBC news, Look North, at 6.30 that she was standing down at the next election, even if it is this year.
She said she had had death threats which the police were looking into. I sent her one, too, and said I'd just heard and it was a pity, but I could understand why.

WilmaKnickersfit Wed 29-Jun-16 00:25:25

David Blunkett was being interviewed by the BBC and he said Pat Glass had only just been promoted in the shadow cabinet to shadow education secretary, only to announce she would not stand again. As shadow Europe minister she had a terrible time and the police are making enquiries into threats made against Pat and her family.

I watch Farage on the BBC news channel and couldn't believe my eyes. I also wondered who was clapping for him. I saw several people laughing and shaking their heads at him. I would love to know what Juncker said in his ear.

daphnedill Wed 29-Jun-16 00:50:30

No idea what he said in his ear, but he said in Parliament that he was surprised to see him after the UK had decided to leave. Farage doesn't usually turn up, so I can understand Juncker's comment.

WilmaKnickersfit Wed 29-Jun-16 02:55:29

I watched the whole thing. OMG.

Pigglywiggly Wed 29-Jun-16 07:16:43

Ghastly little man.

trisher Wed 29-Jun-16 07:52:42

I have a friend who really likes him. She is a lovely person and we have had some discussion about it. She thinks he tells the truth, something most politicians don't and she believes immigration is a big problem. As far as I can tell most of this is based on news stories and TV programmes not personal experience. I think he is ghastly and if you swapped the word 'immigrant' for the word 'Jew' you would have Hitler's speeches when he came to power. We have agreed to differ about it, but I wonder how many more perfectly nice, hard working ordinary people he has taken in and what we could do to change their minds?

Beammeupscottie Wed 29-Jun-16 08:19:23

I have this hope that he is being monitored by the Secret Services and they will deal with him. Or, the Media start digging for dirt. If I was Farage, I would never sit with my back to the door (old SAS advice to avoid assassination).

Lillie Wed 29-Jun-16 08:52:16

Well, Juncker did play straight into Farage's hands by asking him "What are you dong here?" As if Farage hadn't come to gloat and give them all an ear-bashing in his own inimitable way.

I half wonder whether the same question should be asked of Nicola Sturgeon in Brussels today. Is the European Union really interested in having her and her country on board with all the added complications that would bring?

Jaycee5 Wed 29-Jun-16 09:36:19

He has always had more media than he warrants but they take no responsibility when they promote people like him or the KH woman.
He did succeed in getting the referendum but other than that he is totally irrelevant and should be treated as such. The general public would ignore him but the BBC has always given him a platform (look at how many times he was on QT.
I think all people can do is turn off whenever he is on TV and hope they notice the ratings falling.

nokkie Wed 29-Jun-16 09:36:31

Farage is not afraid to speak out, whether you love or hate him is personal opinion, but do we really want a leader like Corbyn who rarely opens his mouth? Farage must have been under a lot of pressure at the European summit but still he had the courage to tell them they were out of touch. I think we have to look at what he says rather than the man.

SwimHome Wed 29-Jun-16 09:40:08

I would like to know who it was that influenced the BBC to give him all that exposure in the first place. He was an unknown who was repeatedly shoved in our faces, and few liked or wanted to see him. Whoever it was, they bear the greater part of responsibility for the sorry state we are in today.

Castafiore Wed 29-Jun-16 09:47:48

It's disturbing how the famed British sense of humour has been used by Farage and Johnson to put over their racist and mendacious agenda. Corbyn actually opened his mouth quite a lot and travelled the country making speeches - In fact, his measured support for the EU (against the power of the coporations that it facilitates, but for the social protection that it guarantees) might well have resonated with undecided voters if had been heard above the ferocity of the media storm. But in view of the viciousness of the 'Leave' campaign that supplied fantasy answers to real questions (Do you feel abandoned by those in power? Then take back control!) maybe a more 'passionate' refutation would have got through. A great shame that if (when) he goes, the anti-austerity economic programme (which, as I understand it, is agreed on by mainstream economists to be the only way forward) will get lost.

nannypink1 Wed 29-Jun-16 09:49:34

It was very embarrassing listening to him last night on the news. He was very pompous and puffed up with himself!!