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Is this the way to deal with loneliness as you get older?

(63 Posts)
kittylester Sun 18-Sep-16 17:38:29

There are a couple of Abbeyfields round here like that Jane. I can't think of three friends I would like to live with either - much as I love them.

Christinefrance Sun 18-Sep-16 17:33:50

I can see where it could be successful for very social people. I think you would have to know each other well and have certain ground rules. Not for me though, think I have become less sociable the older I get.

Jane10 Sun 18-Sep-16 17:26:24

Abbeyfield homes used to provide this sort of thing. Only a few residents each with their own bedrooms/sitting rooms but communal space too. Staff could help out as required and the costs shared. Don't know if they're still on the go. I used to know a lady who lived in one. Snag being they had to be big houses and as time went on the site became more valuable to demolish the house and stick up lots of little boxes. I don't know about the financial aspects. Always struck me as a good idea.

Pollengran Sun 18-Sep-16 17:11:00

The Golden Girls made it look like a lot of fun smile.

I think it could work if it was a really big house with friends who knew each other very well indeed.

For many people it wouldn't, because they like their privacy. You only have to look at the empty, but well meaning communal lounges in retirement complexes to know that.

Personally, I couldn't do it.

Liz46 Sun 18-Sep-16 16:59:25

Well done to the three ladies. I don't think I would like it unless I had my own lounge as well as en-suite.
I can see a rota to cook etc. would be good but it would be too easy to fall out. Probably not for me either.

BlueBelle Sun 18-Sep-16 16:44:17

I m with you guys nice idea but can only think of one friend I could live with and even then you just don't know maybe we are such good friends just because we don't live in each other's pockets No I ll stay on my own ta

PRINTMISS Sun 18-Sep-16 16:39:40

Me too, couldn't stand living with any of my few remaining friends, great to have them around though.

tanith Sun 18-Sep-16 16:13:43

I don't have 3 friends I would want to live with lovely as friends but live with them NO!

Irma Sun 18-Sep-16 16:00:37

I haven't got 3 friends I could live with either MargaretX

rosesarered Sun 18-Sep-16 15:57:35

No, not for me, I couldn't live with friends ( would drive me mad!) much as I value them
In everyday life.Also, what happens to your share of the property when you die?

MargaretX Sun 18-Sep-16 15:56:11

I haven't got three friends I could live with.

gettingonabit Sun 18-Sep-16 15:55:42

I love the idea. I'd definitely do it. It would take a good bit of thought to ensure the property is "right", but a great way to deal with loneliness/vulnerability.

minimo Sun 18-Sep-16 15:52:20

Three friends bought a house together and live communally. I think this is a fantastic idea in principle. Terribly risky though. What if you fall out with each other? Although also what if you have more fun and companionship than you thought possible at this stage of life.
Would you consider it?