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Channel 4 Dispatches - Momentum Party

(513 Posts)
POGS Mon 19-Sep-16 21:58:40

Well that was interesting. I should say Panarama was also enlightening but not as forceful and uncompromisingly direct in it's reporting content as Dispatches.

I'm not going to simply post on the Lib Dem Thread which has turned into a Labour Thread as I think this programme summed up exactly what I have thought and have been posting since the formation of Momentum , it is a ' Party within a Party.'

I will say now to those who will see it as propaganda and take umbrage at my post you cannot argue with what you see and hear from the horses mouth, no matter how hard you might try and no doubt will.

The fact Momentum are doing all they can to play down the Momentum name in connection to the ' Jeremy for Labour ' Campaign , the use of the Unite Union office are significant, the way the reporter was paid is serious stuff and I hope there is further investigation into that. Will anybody take it up I wonder?.

Has anybody 'Cicked' on the ' Jeremy for Labour ' Campaign or answered questions on the phone in connection with it. The reason I ask is if you have you are, as I understood it, on the data base on the Jeremy For Labour Services?. Listen to what is said about it , you may not be too happy, or maybe you will of course.

There is to be fair a Momentum explanation and statement at the end of the programme but it is worth viewing to make your own mind up if you didn't catch it.

TerriBull Tue 20-Sep-16 14:46:04

She didn't give a name dd.

rosesarered Tue 20-Sep-16 14:46:36

dd I agree, if she was the same person on the Daily Politics? And humourless with it!

POGS Tue 20-Sep-16 15:51:46


If you are talking about Daily Politics with Polly Toynbee then her name is Claudia Webbe. She was one of the 6 candidates that Momentum backed for the roles in the NEC. ALL 6 MOENTUM BACKED NOMINATIONS WON!

This was posted prior to the election by MOMENTUM


"Jeremy desperately needs a team who support him and our shared vision for a more democratic, equal and decent society. Help us phone Momentum members to talk to them about fast approaching NEC elections (National Executive Committee). The best thing we can do to support Jeremy and the movement right now is to ensure that people who support Jeremy and his policies are elected to Labour's NEC.

The NEC is the highest governing body in the party, and plays a big role in internal decision-making and the Party's direction. Now more than ever it is important that Jeremy has a NEC that can support him, and we can do that by supporting the CLGA (Campaign for Labour Grassroots Alliance) team who are:

Rhea Wolfson, Anne Black, Christine Shawcroft, Darren Williams, Claudia Webbe, Peter Willsman. More information here.

"There is little time between now and when voting closes, so make sure to join us at the TSSA building to make a difference to how the Labour Party can support Jeremy."

This is just one more fact showing the strength of Momentum.

Welshwife Tue 20-Sep-16 16:18:20

DD yes - it must have been the same one I saw --- I know exactly what you mean about the courses too - and known deputy heads who have been and come back exactly the same!!

POGS Tue 20-Sep-16 16:33:11

With regard to the comment a female Labour MP is under protection it could be one of many but my guess is Ruth Smeeth or Louise Ellman.

Jewish MP Louise Ellman faces “high level of hostility” from Momentum | Red Box - The Times

trisher Tue 20-Sep-16 17:30:43

Is it Momentum? One wonders how many times Corbyn has to say that he opposes any form of racism. His political record certainly shows this. The article credits the abuse of Ruth Smeeth to "an anonymous and anti-Semitic supporter of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn."

If the abuser is anonymous how can they be known to be a member of Momentum? Or a Corbyn supporter for that matter?
It's a bit like saying cats have fur, this animal has fur so it must be a cat, when it might very well be a bear. Drawing inaccurate conclusions from the known facts is one of the worst features of journalism today.

Anniebach Tue 20-Sep-16 18:07:34

If the threat was written the man could have brought up Cornbyns name, said he was defended Corbyn, or similar

Anniebach Tue 20-Sep-16 18:10:37

Corbyn does nothing about the abuse and threats , just a gentle little - I am against violence. He has no control over the power of Momentum he is willing to be their puppet so he can remain leader, suppose they are using each other.

trisher Tue 20-Sep-16 18:17:58

How do you know it was a man Anniebach? Another example of an assumption based on inadequate information. What do you suggest he does to anonymous abusers? The matter is being dealt with by the police which is exactly what should happen.

POGS Tue 20-Sep-16 20:44:36

Who stipulated it was Momentum or a Momentum member, it might be it might not but they are not receiving one or two vile threats they are numerous?.

The question was who could the female MP be, if true, and these two are having an horrendous time at the moment, along with plenty of others Angela Eagle for example, male and female. It's's how some weak, feeble minded people behave because of anonymity but I hope that changes and there are prosecutions to follow.

There is something rotten going on and I don't think the numerous Labour MP's who have reported harrassment are liars but it seems to me that is exactly what some Corbyn supporters believe.

Anniebach Tue 20-Sep-16 21:03:04

There is something rotten going on POGS, I know some of the MP's who cannot support .corbyn, who do not trust him, who do I believe the MP's who are being threatened with deselection or Corbyn , McDonald, Galoway, McClusky & Co ?

No one needs three guesses,

I cannot forget Corbyn sitting passively whilst one of his own female MP's was being bullied by a momentum supporter and his explanation - I wasn't the chairman . Yet straight after the meeting he was filmed laughing with the bully.

His reply when asked by a reporter about the threats to women MP's being threatened - I have been threatened to

trisher Tue 20-Sep-16 21:55:06

Nobody has said the MPs are liars POGS but until there is real evidence some of us prefer to keep an open mind about who is responsible. The abuse is illegal and the police are investigating, it would be reasonable for everyone to refrain from passing judgement or allotting blame until that investigation is complete.
Of course some prefer to cast aspersions and blame without any evidence.
It has just occurred to me that an MP who feared deselection might find it useful to blame those who were threatening him with deselection. But I wouldn't say this was happening because I simply don't know.

Anniebach Tue 20-Sep-16 22:20:56

Well momentum has won again, they are in control of the party, the NEC spent eight hours discussing the selection of the shadow cabinet. Tom Watson put forward returning to pre 2011 when MP's elected the shadow cabinet . Corbyn wants party members to have a vote.

So all those students will have to forget their studies and take the advice of the corbynites here, start checking up the voting records and speeches of 230 MP's, sound advice !

This is Corbyn proving he really means it when he says he wants to work closer with and unit the labour MP's, and as usual is doing so for the members
Lying little toad

Farron appealed for labour voters to support the the Libs to stop the Tories winning the next election, and I think many will

POGS Tue 20-Sep-16 23:26:11


When I say-

" There is something rotten going on and I don't think the numerous Labour MP's who have reported harrassment are liars but it seems to me that is exactly what some Corbyn supporters believe."

I am not thinking of 'who is responsible' for a particular female Labour MP's need for protection , time will tell if it is one , two, numerous people responsible. It is not a problem either for just one Labour MP there are several experiencing similar harassment and it is a disgrace our politicians are being so vilely treated and indeed threatened.

I am thinking of the many 'evidence based' reports, interviews,media articles that are being dismissed as propaganda, right wing attacks, unproven bla bla bla by what are now commonly known as Corbynistas.

It's like there is a mass, selective, denial of anything that proves, demonstrates how Corbyn, McDonnell, Momentum et al are behaving with regard to matters such as deselection of Labour MP's who go against Corbyn, the actions of Momentum etc., oddly even when it is clearly available to read, hear and see from the horses mouth themselves.

POGS Tue 20-Sep-16 23:50:18


The NEC is becoming , has become a contentious issue in it's own right .

Nothing is working in Labour it is Corbyn allies against the Parliamentary Labour Party inside Westminster and outside on the periphery of the Party Workings.

The 'battle' for control is favourable to Corbyn and his group/team from Momentum , whom there seems to be a lack of understanding by some people was set up purely for the support of Corbyn the individual and his political stance whether that was in agreement with the democratically voted on labour Party policies or not, Trident being a good example.

Corbyn ' WILL WIN ' the vote I have no doubt but will Labour as a Party win outside of the grass roots/Momentum movement at a General Election. Time will tell!

Anniebach Wed 21-Sep-16 10:32:28

Corbyn will win the leadership , Momentum has arranged it.

The division in the party will deepen because Corbyn wants it to , he will do all he can to drive out true Labour MP's

Owen Smith will be deselected .

Some labour MP's will retire .

Trots, communists and militants will take over the party

Labour will not win the next election.

Ruth Smee has to have police protection to attend the conference next week . This is the result of Corbyns democracy values

TerriBull Wed 21-Sep-16 15:15:30

I've been reading yesterday's freebie Evening Standard in which there is an interview with Labour MP Ruth Smeeth, who was not a name I was aware of until now. I am truly shocked to read the level of abuse this poor woman has been receiving. I didn't realise that she was the MP who walked out of the Chakrabati report after being harrassed by a member of Momentum. I quote from the article since then she has been called a "yid, c***(amonng other racial slurs) a CIA/MI5/Mossad Informant" a dyke and a f***ing traitor". In all she's experienced 25,000 incidents of abuse, much of it racial. As a result two people are being investigated by counter terrorism police - one of whom penned a 1,000 word essay on how he would kill her. How is it possible people can carry such hate around because presumably a) they disagree with her point of view and b) simply for being Jewish. Ms Smeeth describes herself as culturally Jewish, but doesn't talk about Israel and Palestine, her husband is Irish Catholic. I remember reading about Angela Eagle getting a brick through her window before she withdrew from standing as a candidate for leader and again being pilloried for her sexuality and I wonder therefore how the Momentum group could consider themselves to be at the fore of progressive politics if that is how they treat a prospective female leader.

Anniebach Wed 21-Sep-16 18:24:28

Terri, you will find posts here from supporters of Corbyn - therefore supporters of momentum because they cannot be seperated - claim there is no proof the vile threats are from momentum groupies

dramatictessa Wed 21-Sep-16 18:50:44

If the police investigation proves these two people are the ones who abused Ruth Smee, and it is found that they have nothing to do with Momentum, what will your response be Annie? If they are members of Momentum, then I hope they will be thrown out of the group, and not allowed to be Labour Party members in the future. And, fyi, I am a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, but have completely ignored Momentum. I have received a couple of emails from them, but unsubscribed very early on. I made my decision based on what I see of the two candidates, and if there had been other candidates, I may well have supported someone else.

Ana Wed 21-Sep-16 18:59:24

^New Labour members will be required to sign a pledge promising not to abuse anyone online or face being kicked out of the party.

The tougher stance on internet behaviour was agreed by Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) after centrist MPs protested about a torrent of abuse from supporters of Jeremy Corbyn.^

Ruth Smeeth, not Smee BTW, has said she'll be taking a 'minder' with her to the party conference. What are things coming to?

obieone Wed 21-Sep-16 19:06:28

It is quite amazing the lengths people will go in life to try and dismiss the obvious. I shall never cease to be impressed.

Anniebach Wed 21-Sep-16 19:07:06

Ana all this was unheard if before Corbyn became leader, we are executed to believe momentum in involved, yet there was no momentum before Corbyn stood for leader.

TerriBull Wed 21-Sep-16 19:24:53

I haven't been on the politcal threads for a while but see that you are no longer a fan of Corbyn Annie and understand why. The thrust of the article in the ES with Ruth Smeeth was that she feels threatened by Momentum, as I imagine Angela Eagle was when she received the brick through the window of I believe her local parliamentary office.

petra Wed 21-Sep-16 19:40:52

Did anyone see channel 4 news where Micheal Crick dug out old footage of JC stating that MPs should choose the shadow cabinet.

whitewave Wed 21-Sep-16 19:44:28

Yes that was 30 or 40 years ago. Wow! you mean he changed his mind. How dare he!!!!