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78 year old arrested for murder

(113 Posts)
Iam64 Thu 05-Apr-18 09:05:08

I do understand we have processes to follow and that a man died as a result of being stabbed by the homeowner he was burgling. I hope I'm correct in believing the law will support the home owner because the stab wound was to the chest, rather than in the back as the burglar was running away as was the case with the farmer who shot an intruder.

It seems dreadful that this man is in custody. The news suggests he's a carer for his wife, I wonder where and how she is. He doesn't pose a threat to anyone and reacted to a man aged 38 who threatened him with a screw driver, at least thats what news reports say.

Is it possible he can be bailed and returned home despite the seriousness of the offence he's charged with. I can't imagine a jury convicting him of murder.

Caramac Fri 06-Apr-18 20:20:54

IMO the burglar was scum and I’ve no pity for him. His behaviour was (obviously criminal) particularly nasty and I’m sure the (real) victims were terrified. I hope the old couple are able to get over this horrible event in their lives. The burglar was a victim of his behaviour only. As for his relatives saying he was a decent bloke......erm well decent people don’t burgle houses and threaten pensioners.

cornergran Fri 06-Apr-18 20:57:34

I’ve been reading about the boarding up of this couples home and the installation of CCTV. I wonder if they will ever be able to go back. Difficult times for them.

Blinko Fri 06-Apr-18 21:26:38

No charges are to be brought, according to tonight's news.

NanKate Fri 06-Apr-18 22:12:47

Justice for this poor man.

Why they ever handcuffed him I don’t know.

meandashy Fri 06-Apr-18 23:16:53

Juggernaut I salute you!
Nobody uninvited has a right to be in your house terrorising you. If he hadn't been IN his HOME then he would be alive wouldn't he???
I feel very sorry for the poor wife who clearly was frightened beyond her wits and then had to cope with her husband being removed by the police for two days!
This deceased criminals family can bleat on about how he fell in with the wrong crowd all they want, it won't change the facts he was was a grown man in his 30s with a long career in skullduggery! ?

Elrel Fri 06-Apr-18 23:17:19

Caramac. I was surprised that the late miscreant's sister chose, and was allowed, to go on national tv saying positive things about her brother. I understand that his family might have good memories of him but can't see what she was trying to achieve.

Jalima1108 Sat 07-Apr-18 12:06:16

This deceased criminals family can bleat on about how he fell in with the wrong crowd all they want
I think it was a case of being born into the 'wrong family' as they all sound like wrong 'uns according to the press. That would include the sister who must be fully aware of the criminal activities of her male relatives even if she doesn't participate herself.

TerriBull Sat 07-Apr-18 15:52:26

I believe the miscreant's relative was a cousin who said "The Henry I know was such a loving person and it's probably something which just went wrong, but he shouldn't have died out of it" I remember seeing this interview a couple of nights ago, she, the cousin had her back to the camera and the slack jawed BBC reporter left that statement unchallenged, maybe just a little interjection of "well what was he doing breaking into a house armed with a screwdriver, doesn't sound very loving" would have been a welcome observation. It annoyed me that she was given a platform to defend someone, relative or not, who we now know was a heartless, career criminal.

The Times has reported some of the crimes Henry Vincent and his wider family have inflicted on elderly people in the Kent area, distraction burglaries, building scams that earned them more than 1 million. One poor elderly lady was persuaded to sign over her house worth £150,000 having already handed over her £28,000 life savings. Vincent was also jailed for charging a pensioner £72,000 to replace one roof tile. Some of the family boasted on Facebook how they had robbed a war veteran of his medals with the comment "The old bastards deserve everything they get so stupid handing over thousands upon thousands"

I just hope the victims Mr Osborn-Brooks, who is no doubt traumatised, and his wife can get on with their lives without fear of reprisals. Their house has now been boarded up, maybe for the time being, but I guess they will go back there eventually.

PamelaJ1 Sat 07-Apr-18 18:06:42

I don’t know if the deceased mans family come up to Norfolk to visit Walsingham. The travellers came to show us what good Christians they are.
Walsingham shuts down everything it can when they arrive.
Last year they expanded their Christian behaviour to Cromer. It was just lovely, residents, holidaymakers and the police had a wonderful time.

BlueBelle Tue 10-Apr-18 04:36:46

I believe this poor man and his wife are now under police protection as there have been death threats from the family
They will probably never be able to live at their home again a matter of minutes has changed their lives for ever

Iam64 Tue 10-Apr-18 09:28:52

There are various photographs and articles on line about flowers and tributes to the dead burglar being pinned to fences outside the home of the Osborn-Brooks. The burglar's family arrived and set up a shrine. Neighbours asked Police to remove the flowers and were told the Police didn't have powers to do that.
Overnight, the neighbours have removed everything. What an absolute nightmare for the couple who were burgled. I have sympathy for their neighbours as well because it seems the dead burglar's extended family are far from law abiding and may seek revenge.

TerriBull Tue 10-Apr-18 09:46:58

Yes I agree Iam. The poor victims cannot return to their home for fear of reprisals. The act of setting up a shrine nearby is a provocative act. Given the wording of some of the tributes praising Vincent as a good, decent person He was a career criminal who with the extended family preyed on the vulnerable elderly in the most despicable way. I do wonder why the police haven't the powers to remove all the tack there's a subliminal "marking their territory message" in there. No doubt a very over the top funeral will follow.